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Guardian letter for minors

Does anyone have a sample letter that I could use? I am taking my nieces to Europe in June and I need to have a letter signed by their parents to allow me to take them out of the country. Thanks.

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3428 posts

We always had to do it the other way- leave a letter for grandparents who were 'keeping' our kids while we were gone. Your could read something like this: I/We (parents' name)_ authorize _ (Aunt's name)_ to take our daughter,(child's full name), born on -(birthdate)- to (list all possible destinations) between ___ and ___ (list dates of travel - give yourself a little leaway on both ends in case of changes or emergencies). In addition, _ your name_ is authorized to seek, obatin, and approve medical care if needed. Both parents (if joint custody) must sign and it must be notarized. List parents' names and addresses, and all phone #s- home, work and cell.
Do seperate letters for each child. Have multiple 'originals'- and have all of them notarized- ie don't use xerox copies- each must have original signatures. This is probably a bit of overkill, it may be that no one will ask for this at all, but it never hurts to be prepared. Unlike packing, it is just like my mama used to say, "Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it"

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144 posts

Thanks for the sample It looks good and I would rather be safe than sorry.