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GSM Provider in Ireland/UK - Supports Email to SMS Gateway

This will read as a very one-off topic, but I figure if any travel website has readers with this knowledge- RS visitors would.

Looking for a GSM provider in both UK and Rep of Ireland where I can purchase their SIM card, and here is the kicker: the operator must support Email to SMS.

With the proper configuring of my US email account, and provided the senders email is formatted correctly- friends and family in the US can text me in the UK/ Ireland.

For me, this would be a very cost-effective and highly mobile means of staying in touch, as maintaining contact stateside is important as my parents are elderly, and would cost the sender nothing.

It all hinges on the provider/carrier supporting email to SMS gateway. I'm not able to get definitive info from the various European operator websites as to whether they support it or not- and I don't want to waste my limited time or money configuring what turns out to be a dud service.

So, if anyone knows of a carrier's SIM card which will work as described - or has actually applied this approach- many thanks in advance.

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A few additional comments to add to the others.

Many of the same Cellular networks operate in both the UK and Ireland. However, one point to keep in mind is that if you buy a SIM card in one area (ie: Ireland) and then use it in the UK, you'll be "roaming" and the rates will be higher.

With an unlocked quad-band phone, you could also use one of the "travel SIM" firms such as Call In Europe, Roam Simple, Cellular Abroad, etc. Their rates would be the same in both the UK and Ireland.

Pete has provided excellent information on the "E-mail to text" question. Any of your family that have Cell phones can also send texts directly to you. I use that method frequently to keep in touch with family when I'm travelling, including one family member in the U.S. that uses Verizon. Those sending texts may be charged unless they have a "plan", however received texts are normally free.

One point to clarify from a previous post:

"And if you are bringing along a smart phone, you can use the data portion to get email from your regular address."

If you'll be taking a Smartphone (IPhone, Blackberry), I'd suggest checking the rate plans for the various providers so that you have some idea what this may cost. Adding data will most likely increase your costs.

Note that your phone must be a quad-band GSM model and also unlocked if you'll be using SIM cards from other networks. It would also be a good idea to check the Charger to ensure this is designed for "world operation".

Happy travels!