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Greece during Easter

We are very excited to be in Greece during Easter (we did not plan on it, it is just how are trip fell into place). We will be in Greece from March 29 - April 7. What would anyone recommend as an itenarary for this time ? I know it is Easter so it will be very exciting. My wife and I are strong Christians so it will be a very special time even though we are not Greek. Where would be the best place to stay to really appreciate the holiday ? What islands should we visit ? I understand the islands are hibernating until this weekend. But things will be getting active.

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The Greek Orthodox Easter is usually a week later than the Roman Catholic Easter. We were in Athens during the Greek Easter about 5 years ago. We went to Midnight Mass at a local church. It is a very festive occasion in their community with churchgoers walking home with candles lit during the Mass and later fireworks all over the city after Mass. If you are there during this Easter, you will be lucky.

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How lucky for you! My family is Greek (my parents both moved to America in the 1970s from Keflaonia). Greek Orthodox churches will not allow you to recieve Communion unless you have been baptised in the Greek Orthodox Church (we call it the G.O.), but anyone who is interested can attend services. You should definately attend a service, not only are they beautiful, but the decoration inside of the churches is very, very pretty and quite different from both Protestant and Roman Catholic churches. It's a great time to appreciate art as well as services.

Keep in mind that some churches require that women wear a scarf or something to cover their hair, so your wife may have a good excuse to buy a pretty shawl or scarf. Another thing to know is that the interior of the church, for the Greek Orthodox faith, is the closest that you can get to Heaven while still on Earth. When I was little, our priest always reminded the children of that when we entered so that we would be on our best behavior. Old world G.O. churches tend to expect silence from the audience, unless it is time to pray or sing. Also, G.O. services can be a little long and there is occassionally kneeling involved. Don't worry if the service is in Greek, there will be plenty of people helping you follow along.

Easter is sort of like Christmas for Greeks. Any church will be having services, and many will have games and dancing. If you get a chance to play Tokka (not sure how to spell that in English), it is a classic Easter game! Also, if you find a festival at one of the churches, you can dye eyes for the children. Greeks only dye eggs red, for the blood of Christ.

I am not sure where exactly would be the best Island or town to visit. I hope the other posters can help you with locations. Enjoy your holiday there!

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655 posts

You will enjoy your Easter visit. Just beware that the Greeks will enjoy the holiday and will be traveling in mass. Be sure to have your reservations for travel and lodging complete - especially including island travel on the ferry.

We were in Naxos at Eastertime several years ago. No matter where you are, each village will have a celebration. On Naxos this included a parade led by the priest.

With the time that you have I would think that just one island would be best. It will be early for Santorini but Santorini is outstanding. One of the most beautiful places we have ever been. I would also suggest that you fly there - preferably directly upon arriving in Greece. Check Aegean Airlines for details and don't wait too long to reserve.

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We will be going to Greece the exact same dates in 2010 and our first time for Easter there. We will be spending Easter day with a friend that lives there and I'm wondering what would be appropriate dress for a day of Easter celebration where we will be at his home (mostly outside I think) for the roasted lamb, music, etc. and I understand it's a full day of celebrations. I did appreciate reading the post that recommends a scarf or shawl for a woman going to church as I'm sure our stay will include going to church.