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Great idea for your Day Bag

While we have not really encountered many toilets that lacked paper , it does happen from time to time . Instead of carrying a wad of paper , this is a great idea - really small , and no worry over running short , a substantial supply fits in a small vial . Watch this short video through , I ran into this accidentally - keep an open mind ! -

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7174 posts

Toilets that lack paper often also lack water to expand them, then what do you do?

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4170 posts

Hi Nancy , Simple , a dribble of water from your water bottle , or probably a bit of saliva . In a pinch , a few drops of urine ( after all , it is sterile and the indigenous Inuit and other arctic dwellers utilized that technique ) .

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4170 posts

Jane , you could certainly do that , just what we have done in the past , this is just another way to skin a cat .

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11613 posts

I am in the tissue camp. They multitask as, well, tissues.

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7174 posts

Think I'll settle for a few tissues, never travel without them anyway.

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5697 posts

Here's a clue -- if the toilet has a wastebasket next to it full of tissues/paper, it's probably a sign that the toilet doesn't flush away paper and "flushable" items.

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11817 posts

That is hysterical!

Tissues and Wet Ones are in my day bag.

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2466 posts

If anyone rents a European apartment, there might be a "sani-broyer" unit as the only toilette. It runs on electricity, supposedly grinds everything up and flushes with a lot of noise. But you aren't supposed to put large amounts of paper or feminine products, disposable wipes or anything else in there, or you risk having to go to the nearest cafe while waiting for the plumber.

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3941 posts

Last trip I just took a roll of TP off the core and rolled it into three separate mini rolls and put them in a small snack size zip lock bag. Enough TP jobs if need be. Unfortunately, I have run into a few places (Italy comes to mind) where the bathrooms had no TP. Luckily, on the last trip, we didn't have any issues, but I had one of those zip lock TP baggies just in case in.

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3941 posts

Now that I watch the video - I actually do have some of those expandable wipes - I get em at the dollar store. I use them for wiping my hands/face/arms. I'll throw a few in our bag, and if it's a hot day, we will have a bottle of water, so we pour a bit on the 'tab' and then have a nice refreshing cloth to wipe dirty hands or hot faces or sweaty necks. They are surprisingly thick and a good size! I take wet wipes, but only use them on the plane to clean up my tray and seat...a few of the tabs take up no room.

And for the record..."Urine directly from the bladder is normally sterile. However, on its passage from the bladder to the outside world, urine becomes contaminated by bacteria normally present in the lower urethra and external genitalia. So by the time it gets to your wound, it will already contain bacteria."