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GPS systems

We have a Garmin GPS with North American maps. We are going to the Benelux countries in July, and are trying to figure out if it is better just to buy a whole new system when we get there, or to upgrade ours before we go. The cost to upgrade is about $140CDN. Any thoughts on cost, convenience etc? Many thanks!

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9369 posts

I would upgrade yours. You already know how to use it and you won't waste precious vacation time shopping for one over there. And $140 is a lot cheaper than you'll find a new one for.

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629 posts

In April, we took our Garmin GPS to Spain with a Europe card added. The card was purchased used from Craigs list for $60. It worked out perfect. We didn't agree with the rental companies charging an extra $18 Euros a day for GPS or with Garmin selling a Europe card for $150 US.

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2758 posts

I got a GPS last year (recommended by several on this site) that had European and US maps for $140 (US). In my case, my husband had a GPS, but I didn't, so it was an easy decision. For you, it might be a toss of a coin.

Posted by
14 posts

We faced the same dilemma and chose to buy a new one. The Garmin Nuvi 275t which has Europe and NA. Reasons: Upgrading maps via the Garmin site is a true pain in the ***. We will be needing an additional one soon anyway for another vehicle. We knew we'd be getting the latest maps installed by Garmin and not me! I think the price was around $200 so the upgrade in price wasn't too bad to ensure we had the latest and greatest.

We've used it a couple of times in town and like it. Seems to lock on fast and is accurate.

Posted by
850 posts

Liane, do you know if the upgrade will include all of europe or at least western europe or does it just include the benelux countries? If just the benelux countries and you plan on traveling to Europe in the future you may want to consider a new system.

Posted by
17 posts

Thanks so much everyone. What a lot of great advice and options to consider! We are looking into upgrading to see what the price would be, and also we think that the Europe addition we were looking at was only for Western Europe. So many thanks!

Posted by
12313 posts

If you like the one you have now and won't use the additional options you might get in a new one, upgrade. Especially if you won't use a second GPS when you get home.

If yours is getting old, has slow time to pick up sattelites, or doesn't offer features you would really like to have, get a new one. $140 takes you a long way toward the cost of a brand new GPS.