I have a very expensive canon30d camera. I have a backpack camera bag for all my gear that I use most places and never had a problem. I travel with a partner so we take turns with the bag and watching out. But I have read barcelona is very bad for snatching so I am thinking of another type of a bag that I can place the camera in and wear it in the front over my shoulder. Any suggestions?
I use one of those soft-sided insulated lunch bags for my camera equipment. It's the perfect size, has a couple of handy pockets, a long adjustable strap, and the top (meant to hold a can of soda) is rounded and zippered -- perfect for a larger lens. Mine is an Eddie Bauer, found at Target. They have lots of styles and sizes, and it's far cheaper than camera bags. It looks like I'm carrying my lunch.
Ive used an insulated lunch-bag too - those work great in your daypak and keep it cool and padded. I just got a new cam myself and got a lowe-brand camera-shaped pouch/bag thing that is less bulky than a small cam bag/pack - but bigger than the lunch pack. Try either and see what works for your daypack. Whichever way you go - think "shock absorption" and "water/sand resistant" as possible - be creative! Ive seen some scuba-diving suit like soft material made for lenses/cams that may be even smaller profile. Just keep your cables in a smaller-zip pack, as it splits up the bulk in your daypack.
I highly recommend a line of bags from a company called Pacsafe.com. They can be ordered online from REI and you can find them in specialty travel stores. They have security features like steel cable handles that cannot be easily cut. Speaking from experience, last October my husband was carrying our digital camera over his shoulder in a small camera bag and he also had a Rick Steves' backpack which we love but after our arrival at the train station in Venice, within five minutes a thief clipped the straps of the camera case while he was distracted by the awesome view of Venice. We did not discover it was missing until we were on the water taxi, much to our horror. Protect your bags, I now carry a Pac Safe metro bag that I wear across my shoulder and have it placed in front while traveling in Italy. It works for me.
Thanks for the information on pac safe. I just discovered them on line the other day.
I am def going to get the camera strap so when the camera is around my neck I will feel more secure walking around with it.
As for the bag itself everyone has given some great tips.
What about just using my camera backpack and having a lock on the zippers to stop anyone from just reaching inside and grabbing a lens??
I am looking for a bag too, for a cell/PDA. I have looked at the pacsafe and also some bags from Travel Smith. Has anyone had any experience with these? I am unsure how big a bag I will need for a day pack. Also, if I take a backpack, will there be difficulties getting into museums, etc with security?
I don't carry an expensive camera, but still don't want to lose it (or the pictures). I actually carry a crocheted purse that I bought in Europe rather than wearing a backpack all the time. I use a screw style caribiner (not the clip type) to connect the camera to the strap. I also have a "throw away" wallet with a little cash that I carry in it. Add a emergeny poncho and a small water bottle and I'm good-to-go. Pickpockets have tried to rip me off, but when they find things are attached they've given up.
Pacsafe bags not only use steel cables running through straps, they also have some kind of trick that locks zippers on the bag. I ordered one online yesterday, so I don't know how it really works yet, but it sounds good.
Elsewhere in Rick's Graffiti Wall someone recommended using a diaper bag from Wal-Mart. It makes an excellent camera bag:- it's padded, it's waterproof, it's cheap and WHO WOULD STEAL IT..?
I also recommend the PacSafe.
It also helps if the bag looks a little dirty and worn! HeeHee! Hang a soother or something babyish off it to really look authentic!