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Going to Auvers sur Oisie, France

Last Sunday, 9/5/10, my husband and I followed your directions on the Paris book for getting to Auvers. When we arrived to the Pontoise gare, we called a taxi ( the number listed on the book)because the bus said "hors de service"( out of service). We waited for the taxi for 20 min. nervously because there was a group of rowdy north African men loitering around us.No taxi. No bus came either. So we headed back to Paris. Is there no transportation to Auvers on Sundays?

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Many places inFrance do not have bus and limited taxi service on SUndays. We were stranded 2 yrs ago on the French Riveria at 2pm during summer, go figure. We were close to frantic after 3 hrs.It took us 4 hrs to finally locate a store/restaurant that would call a taxi for us, they simply refused eventho we offered to pay them alot for the call. Sometimes things just do not make sense. You are not alone.