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Going Through Security

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131 posts

The empty stashbandz will not be a problem going through security. Enjoy your trip!

Posted by
10542 posts

@ KD, not at all what you described, but I’m asking to see if anyone knows. When empty why would it be any different than wearing shape wear for example? My passport would stay with me until going through immigration in Munich. Anything I would put into it after going through security at my home airport would be done in the privacy of a bathroom stall. I’m a very experienced traveler, I was just wondering about the Stashbandz when empty.

Posted by
16 posts

I've worn an empty Stashbandz through security without issues.

Posted by
3386 posts

I’m thinking that’s a very good idea, that had not occurred to me.
I’m going to do that on my next trip.
Saves pulling it out of your carryon , then your passport can be stowed away right away and you are hands free again.
No one will care a hoot if you are wearing an empty one.
Thanks for the tip! and have a great trip.

Posted by
10542 posts

Thanks everyone, I think I’m going to try it.

Posted by
9142 posts

I have worn my silk money belt, but taken it off right before security and stuffed it in my messenger bag, putting it on afterwards. If it didn't have anything in it, it would be fine to wear it.

Posted by
19504 posts

Just dont be the one holding up the security line while you mess with this sort of stuff.

At home, before you leave for the airport, put everything that can not be on you as you walk through security into a bag (including jewlery and wallets and passports and ...... ). Cross body, zip lock bat, it doesnt matter. Put it in your carry on or your personal item or just carry it and drop it in a tray when you go through security. Then get clear of the line and get dressed and stuff your belt or what ever it is you do.

Posted by
16020 posts

The only issue might be if you have to go through the "nude-o-scope" rather than them regular scanner.

Anything under your clothes will be detected, empty or full, and that will cause the to go ballistic.

A couple of weeks ago, I went through security at Manchester. I was starting to go through the regular machine but they pointed towards the nude-o-scope. I had a couple of Kleenex in my pocket. It shows up on this machine but not the regular one.

Well, I thought they were going to call out the Flying Squad....they blocked anyone else from going through, had me stand with my arms out while everyone watched, used the hand scanner on me twice, then frisked in such a way I was wondering if the person doing it would offer me a cigarette afterwards. Finally, they said you can go and the police pointing their weapons at me put their guns down and the police dogs stopped barking.

Okay, that last bit was made up but I did get a thorough search for two tissues.

Posted by
576 posts

Disagree that the empty stash band will not be a problem under your clothes. Basically it’s going to create something that might look slightly suspicious on their video because of the bulk and they may then want to patch you down. I would take it off, put it in your bag and then go into a restroom on the other time of security and put it back on again.

Keep in mind you’re going to have to have your passport out to board because the gate agent will want to see it.

Posted by
330 posts

I agree with Frank II and Carol.

Any bulk detected will invite a pat down. Even a tissue.

Been there, done that.

Posted by
583 posts

Why not just keep it in your carryon until after security, then slip it on? It's elastic and can slide right up over your slacks. Then you don't have to worry about whether or not it would be an issue.

Posted by
1022 posts

Like several above, I have also been pulled aside for additional search after inadvertently leaving a folded, unused Kleenex in a pocket - said to say, multiple times. One would think I would remember....

I have also had additional pat downs when wearing cargo pants, the type with large clearly visible pockets on the outside of the pant legs. The packets were empty but apparently the additional bulk of the fabric was flagged.

My experiences were at several different airports, several countries, several continents.

I use a Stashbandz occasionally. I definitely would not try to wear it through security unless I wanted to spend additional time there.

Posted by
10542 posts

Thanks everyone, I’m not going to take any chances. I’ll put it on after security.

Posted by
19504 posts

Andrea, probably wise. Dont listen to the "what i got away with" comments. I carried a pocket knife through 3 different airport security checks earlier this year (forgot it was on my key chain in my personal item). Should I say, I did and you can too? And its not always about the odds of you getting checked. Its also about the odds of making life miserable for those behind you in line trying to catch a tight connection. One time at LHR, to keep the line moving because i knew most of those behind me were late for a connection (like me) I had to drop my drawers in front of the x-ray machine. I had a money puch full of serious cash tied around my waist (15 years ago). Some laughed at my Sponge Bob skivvies (or was it Snoopy? --- dont remember) others were not amused. Cant say that i blame them. I just forgot.

Posted by
10542 posts

Yeah, it definitely makes sense to not take chances and potentially delay ourselves and others.

Posted by
330 posts

And if you are travelling solo, while you are getting patted down and scanned, your belongings are still at the end of the conveyor belt. The agent may let you stand where you can see your stuff or may insist you turn a certain way for them where you can't see your stuff.

Posted by
335 posts

My husband has the hidden pocket travel pants with extra pockets beneath the regular pockets. Every time he has to go through the body scanner machine, he gets pulled aside because it senses the extra fabric in that area. Every time they have to pat him down, and he has to explain that it's just the extra pockets. Going through just the metal detector is no issue. If you want to take a chance, wear it. If not, don't. I can almost certainly say you will get pulled aside if you have to go though the body scanner machine.

Posted by
295 posts

What airport are you flying from that you feel you need to use this in the airport and (presumably) on the transatlantic flight? I'm asking so that I can avoid traveling through an airport that has an airside pickpocketing/theft problem.

Posted by
558 posts

Just curious, anyone have any data on how much theft occurs once you have passed through airport security?

The theif would have had to present a valid ID and have travel booked. They would be under video and officer surveillance. They would then either cancel their flight and exit the airport or go to their destination. Seems like a lot of effort and risk for a pickpocket to take.

Of course, I see how there could be a crime of opportunity if you left an expensive camera or a wallet sitting in clear sight while you are distracted.

Posted by
16020 posts

I use a hidden pocket type of moneybelt. For going through airport security, it goes at the bottom of an inside pocket of my personal item with something on top.

Once through security, I head straight to the men's room where I put it back on.

Posted by
330 posts

Posted by jkh Just curious, anyone have any data on how much theft
occurs once you have passed through airport security?

I don't have stats, but I have seen news specials about thieves in airports. Looks like a nice family with a couple of kids waiting at their gate. But they are really just spending the day at the airport robbing people when the opportunity presents itself. They move around from terminal to terminal, gate to gate and do their thing. They make enough to cover the cost of the tickets they bought with no intention of using, parking, etc.

Posted by
558 posts

news specials about thieves in airports

Thank @khansen for your post. I did a quick internet search. Looks like the overwhelmeing majority of the thefts are from TSA employees and baggage handlers accessing checked bags. Very interesting.

Posted by
5139 posts

We also do as Frank II. Before going through security, we place everthing of value, including money belt in our personal bag or carry on bag. As soon as we clear security we head to the nearest restroom, put on the money belt, and put our "pocket items" back in the zippered pockets of our clothing.

Posted by
10542 posts

We fly from Sacramento, a very nice mid-sized airport usually ranked the best mid-sized airport in the U.S. We will transit through San Francisco to fly to Munich. I’m not paranoid, but I’m cautious. I want to know where all of my valuables including my passport are. I’m sure it happens where people walk by and casually pick up a personal item when you’re distracted. Even if they are traveling it doesn’t mean people are always honest. I worked as a fraud investigator for over 25 years and I learned that people can be dishonest no matter what their financial situation is, and many crimes are crimes of opportunity. I prefer not to give people the opportunity.

As I said, I will wait until I go through security and then put my Stashbandz on in the bathroom. I’ll keep my passport handy in my purse since I’ll have to show it at least a few times, but I have a secure place for it.