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Going it alone, good idea?

My best friend and I have planned a trip to Europe, but at the last minute her grandfather became sick and she has had to cancel and fly to China to be with her family. I checked and my tickets are non-refundable, but I can get a credit with the airline Delta to use until February of next year, yet I'll also have to pay a $250 penalty to make changes to my itinerary. Should I go it alone and travel to France, Greece, and Italy? Or should I cancel my trip plans and wait till a better time comes up later this year? It was just me and her going, and plus my flight leaves this Wednesday! I'm at a loss on what I should do. Has anyone traveled to Europe on their own for 3 weeks and came back fine? Or would it be better to share the experience with someone and wait till a later time to travel?

Posted by
32417 posts

Emlyn, "Has anyone traveled to Europe on their own for 3 weeks and came back fine?" Yes, many times. However I should specify that I'm older, so perhaps more comfortable with that type of travel. On each trip, I typically travel with a small group part of the time and on my own part of the time. Solo travel has both advantages and disadvantages. While you won't have anyone to share your trip experiences with, you'll make your own memories. Given that your flight leaves this Wednesday and your tickets are non-refundable, my suggestion would be to go anyway. You can plan another trip with your friend in future. Good luck and happy travels!

Posted by
11525 posts

Emlyn, seriously " has anyone travelled to Eujrope on ther own for 3 weeks and come back fine". Of course they have, thousands and thousands of us women have, including me! You can do this. Yes being on your own does make it different, but not worse! You do have to have some common sense ( no , can't go drinking and walk home alone late at night) . I don't know the details of your trip, are there things you can simplfy? Where are you staying, youth hostels, do you have hotels booked.. Youth hostels are a great way to meet other people . When I was 23 my friend and I travelled to Greece and took a ferry to Mykonos, we met a girl who was on her own on the ferry and she hooked up with us... she told us she had been doing similar through out her trip. If you post more details about your trip many can suggest ways to maximize your trip experience and minimize the bumps of being alone. Personally I have enjoyed my solo trips because I was in total control of where I went and what I did.

Posted by
11525 posts

Emlyn, have you looked on the forum here at the "Travel partners " forum. You may find someone going alone same time as you , and at least arrange for a daytime coffee meet up,, that gives you a bit of english chat and trading of tips.. look anyways. I have met a few people that way, just for lunch, a daytime walk etc. You don't have to release all your private information if nervous. I always arrange a meet in a tourist place in broad daylight.. it has led to some ongoing friendships.

Posted by
10502 posts

emlyn -- Yes, I did six weeks and came back fine back when I was a young lass. You'll meet people as you go along to hang out with (if that's what you want). However, if you don't feel quite ready, there's no shame in investing the money to change your tickets.

Posted by
1717 posts

Hello Emlyn. I recommend that you go to Europe, this Wednesday. At your destinations in Europe you can meet people that you like (they could be from the U.S.A. or Canada or England or Australia or any country) to talk with, and go sightseeing with them, or have dinner with them. Traveling solo has an advantage : each day you can do what you feel like doing. One morning when you awaken in a hotel room, if you feel very tired, and you know you would feel miserable if you do the sight seeing that you planned to do, you could stay in the hotel room and sleep more. You would not have a travel partner who wishes to go out and do sightseeing and she would be upset because you are not going with her. Or, on a day when the plan is for you to walk a long distance, if you feel tired that day, you could decide to not do the long distance walking that day. You would not have a travel partner who would be upset because you do not want to do what she desires to do that day. As Kia said : "Your plans are made, your tickets are ready, your bags are planned ..... go and enjoy". Do not worry about your friend feeling bad because she is not traveling to Europe with you. She is going on a trip to China.

Posted by
9331 posts

Go for it! Since everything is planned, to give it all up at this late date would be sad and I think you might regret doing this later on. You will be in Europe during the Easter celebrations, which will offer you some unique experiences. Have fun!

Posted by
32417 posts

Emlyn, One question...... Which part of Greece are you planning to visit? The islands will likely be somewhat "quiet" at this time of year, and Ferries may be operating on reduced schedules.

Posted by
1840 posts

We are in our sixties and seventies and we only use a travel agent to find our outbound and inbound tickets. She is good. Everything in between we take care of and we have had several six week journeys. Sometime, as we go, we use tourist information offices to help us find hotels or transportation to the next stop. If it would be a confidence builder for you I will tell you we have been to Scotland six times, western Europe once, from Istanbul to Amsterdam once, Ukraine, Philippines, and India. We always take public transportation. I realize not everyone can travel this way. I was talking to a guy the other day who said, "I couldn't travel that way, I have to have everything nailed down by the time I pack." Well, we have had some experiences he will never have.

Posted by
32417 posts

Emlyn, Thanks for the additional information. At this time of year, visiting the islands may not provide the best travel experience. Depending on what you're planning to see and do, three or four days should be good for Athens. I haven't been to Thessaloniki so can't offer any suggestions there. It's great that you're planning to stay in Hostels. As the others have mentioned, that's a great place to meet people and could provide one or more people to go touring with. Some of the Hostels you use may be "chain" Hostels and others will be independent. You might consider getting an inexpensive membership in HI Hostels before you leave. If you stay at their properties the membership will provide cheaper rates and preferred booking. They have a large network of properties worldwide, and often more than one in larger cities. As you'll be travelling solo, be sure to consider some way to keep in touch with family back home on a regular basis, so they don't worry. Were you planning on using E-mail for that? Cheers!

Posted by
37 posts

Hi Emlyn,
One time I traveled to Europe alone. As a direct effect, what happened was that my wife and I quit our jobs, sold everything, and ended up moving here a year later. I'm sure you know in your heart what the right thing is to do. That's the only voice you need to listen to :) Enjoy the trip ~

Posted by
48 posts

In Greece I wanted to go to Athens, and maybe Thessaloniki? I will be staying in hostels most of the time.

Posted by
3050 posts

If you're staying in hostels, all the better. They are great places to meet people. I know lots of people who have traveled in hostels and ended up meeting travel and sightseeing partners there! Please go, you'll have a blast.

Posted by
4183 posts

I'd say go for it if there are no budget issues because you will be traveling alone. Back in the dark ages, 1977, I traveled from England to Greece and back by myself. I was gone 4 (yes, FOUR) months without any specific agenda of where I would be when. Needless to say, no mobile devices of any kind were along on the trip. I stayed in hostels, pensions and B&Bs. I met up with people everywhere and enjoyed their company. I was 30, a bit older than most people traveling like that at the time. I had no experiences of the "woman traveling alone not come back fine" variety and the trip was life-changing. You will have a blast!

Posted by
2081 posts

hi, I started traveling Solo early last year and spent 4 weeks traveling to: Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Paris, Normandy and Amsterdam. I went back in late Oct of last year for a "get out of dodge" time,it was a 2 week trip to Amsterdam and London, again, just love those places. Im planning another trip back this Sept, near that area, but im working my way east. ITs going to be: Oslo, Stockholm, CPH, Brussels, N. Germany, Lux and to Leeds in the the UK. if you can still swing it, i would go. I think you can and will learn alot. btw, on my trip back from Amsterdam last oct, i met a woman from the US that worked for Disney and was going solo for 6 weeks. However, she was going one step further in NOT having any plans or reservations anywhere. i prefer reservations so i know what i will be doing instead of hearing - no vacancies or no more tickets..., all i have to do is show up. happy trails.

Posted by
112 posts

"Has anyone traveled to Europe on their own for 3 weeks and came back fine? Or would it be better to share the experience with someone and wait till a later time to travel?" Don't wait! Yes, I believe it's better to share the experience with someone, but if that's not in the cards you can not only do it on your own but enjoy it too! I've taken several solo trips to Europe for 2-3 weeks, and not just come back "fine" but really enjoyed myself. As I said, I would rather share the experience with a friend, but I'd rather go alone than stay at home. Your plans are made, your tickets are ready, your bags are planned.......go and enjoy!

Posted by
15237 posts

Hi, As point out quite clearly above, lots of people go solo, women and guys, including European women of various ages. If they can do it, so can you. Whether for 3 weeks or 3 months I've done it solo at 23 (my second trip) and now at 63. I would not pass up this opportunity. What about going to England first?

Posted by
3696 posts

Emlyn... if there is any way you can gather the courage to go you just need to do it. You will regret not going.
Just as life threw your friend a curveball that is preventing her from going, we never know what turn our life may take... so if you can do it now, there is no sense waiting as next time it could be you who has to cancel. It will be the adventure of a lifetime and you may never want to travel with anyone again... (I travel alone quite a bit) Let us know how the trip turns out:))

Posted by
134 posts

Go. After you come back, you will have trouble remembering why you even considered not going. Fear is a liar; it tells you that you can't when you can. I've traveled for 3-4 weeks solo in Europe a few times & came back so fine that I couldn't stand myself.

Posted by
5678 posts

You can do it Emlyn. Back when I was 19 and studying in Europe, I was supposed to meet up with friends in Greece for the three week between terms break. We totally miscommunicated and I found myself in Greece all alone. I was lucky in that my Dad had provided me with emergency contacts. But I was on my own most days. I took day toursDelphi, Mycenae, Sunion, Corinth. I had so much fun on my own, that I deliberately went solo to France for the Spring 10-Day break. I stayed in hostels and met lots of people. You will have a great time! Pam

Posted by
1806 posts

I traveled a year solo, including Europe, and came back just fine. I don't think you need to be "older" or have to "share the experience" with a friend to have a great trip. As a solo traveler, you'll tend to meet more people than you would traveling about as a pair. Especially if you are going to stay in hostels where you'll find a large number of people who are also on their own who you can chat up, share a meal or a drink with, tag along on some sightseeing, etc. Sometimes it is actually nicer to travel on your own since you don't have to take anyone else's agenda into account when planning what you want to see or do each day. The only thing I would probably be leery of at this point if I was in your shoes would be to make sure I have a decent wad of cash on me before I landed in Greece given that Reuters was reporting on a lot of locals draining ATMs this past weekend. It wouldn't stop me from going, but I would just adjust my plans to be sure I tapped an ATM machine for my Euros before departing Italy or France for your 1st stop in Greece. I'm sure it will settle down if it hasn't already, but if you are staying at places that require you to pay cash and won't accept a credit card, it's better to be prepared and have the money with you.

Posted by
11525 posts

If what Ceidleh says is true( and I have no reason to doubt what she says) , and it may be, then do take a wad of cash but do not carry it all in one place, carry bulk of cash in a moneybelt worn UNDER your clothes and do NOT assess it in public, its deep storage.. keep a days worth of cash out for food and tickets etc.

Posted by
2551 posts

What are the odds of asking Eurocentric travel enthusiasts whether a trip should be taken?

Posted by
7196 posts

@Bruce. I totally agree with you. If Emlyn wanted affirmation that she should go ahead and take the trip alone, then she came to the right place. If she wanted to hear differing opinions, then not so much. I hope she got what she wanted to hear. By the way, I agree with everyone else here - do it! I travel almost exclusively alone and do prefer it. But it's not for everyone and only she can decide if she's up to it. Emlyn, I hope you decide to go and have the trip of a lifetime.

Posted by
15237 posts

I am an Eurocentric traveler and I say go. Do this trip solo, you'll learn about yourself coming away with greater confidence.