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Gluten free assistance

Hello! Does anyone have a specific restaurant in any of the following locations that have a good gluten free menu? Dingle, Tralee, Dublin, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Salzburg and Hallstat, Austria. I have the travel cards in all the languages, but I'd love to have a few restaurants in particular that others have been to and liked. I feel fairly good about Ireland and London, but the others, I am not feeling so confident for the obvious reason of language barrier. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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1 posts

Susan we were Venice a few years ago we had cards in various languages about gluten and they were very helpful even in the family owned resturants. The pasta and warm bread were a very wonderful suprise. Most countries are very aware of Celiacs and you will find very helpful. I wish I could remember the names of places we ate but Enjoy your trip!

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797 posts

Hi Susan. I am a celiac. There is a glutenfree only restaurant in Paris, helmut newcake. Just google it. Take a good map. Make a rservation as it is tiny. Baked goods. i had a fantastic brunch there. I also found a Naturalia store to buy gf bread & crackers. Schar brand is great. In Amsterdam, I went to Haesje Claes. You can google that one too. I had a great meal with. Glutenfree beer, yumm. I did find a bio, natural store there too where I found great GF bread and snacks. In Venice, there is a gluten free only store. Difficult to find, but worth it. Mea libera tutti. Also find a Coop store, a general grocery store and ask for their gluten free items. Coop is very inexpensive. I did have gluten free pasta there, but I cannot remember the name of the restaurant. One was recommended by the shop owner of Mea Libera Tutti. Enjoy your trip.

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18 posts

Thank you, ladies, for your help. I'm feeling better already about feeding my son while we are on our trip. He is 17 and eats A LOT! :) Susan

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121 posts

Also on the graffiti wall section of Rick's website, there are several postings about eating in Europe with various restrictions. Some of the postings have links to restaurants and other websites on this issue.

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1170 posts

Susan, do try and take along some Lara and/or KIND bars for snacks. My daughter (like myself), also has Celiac and we take as many snacks as we can, because there are other things I am allergic to, so I need to be super careful. And do take the cards in different languages. Helps a lot if you're trying to buy something that doesn't say GF, but you want to know if it does contain wheat, rye, barley etc. Like Chocolate!!! :-)