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Global Entry Fingerprints or Facial Recognition?

It’s good to see that a grace period will be allowed for Global Entry renewals, and it looks like the interviews seem to be a bit random. We will be renewing soon, so my question is to those of you who have renewed recently…has the fingerprinting gone by the wayside, replaced by facial recognition? My fingerprints were not accepted (DON’T use the restroom and then wash your hands just prior to your interview..apparently your skin is too dry!), so each time we’ve entered the US, I have to find someone “manning” the Global Entry to let me in after I’m rejected at the kiosk. Kind of defeats the purpose of breezing through. Facial recognition would be so welcome!

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1928 posts

I didn’t need to go for an interview when I renewed. I assume they still have my fingerprints from when I originally applied. When I came back from London last month the global entry kiosk at San Francisco used facial recognition. Line up the shot and press the button. Easy peaty.

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5982 posts

The Global Entry at San Diego airport used facial recognition only - I never put down my passport nor my fingers on any screen.

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803 posts

I had my Global Entry renewal interview yesterday. They double checked my contact information, and then they took a new picture and a fresh set of fingerprints. I don't know how that will play out the next time I travel.

Also, I casually mentioned that I was getting ready to renew my passport, and they said that they would need to update my Global Entry file with the new passport number. She implied that I would need to come back to the Customs office so that they could update the number. I hope that's not the case, especially considering that I had to wait eight months for my interview. It would seem that there should be a way to automate that.

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330 posts

Global Entry at SFO used facial recognition only when I came through this past May, very quick. Walk up to kiosk, scans face, spits out a piece of paper, hand it to whomever is attending the exit, done!

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1058 posts

Just returned thru JFK this week. Global Entry was a breeze with facial recognition technology. I’ve never had any reentry thru GE use fingerprints.

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16712 posts

Global Entry is moving towards complete facial recognition. It saves time.

A program to use facial recognition in the USA when departing rather than the airline manually checking your passport is also being tested.

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8321 posts

A program to use facial recognition in the USA when departing rather than the airline manually checking your passport is also being tested.

Yes, I have used this several times with Delta in Detroit. It makes boarding go pretty quick. They do still need to "see" your passport in your hand, just to verify that you have your physical passport as you board, and they still need to do a document check at check-in.

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110 posts

Entering through Boston on July 1 the Global Entry kiosks were using facial recognition instead of fingerprints as well.

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19 posts

The first time I used GE after getting it was in ORD in early June. Facial recognition. No form, no fingerprints, didn't even have to take out my passport.

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1045 posts

At both Newark and IAH, they are fully using facial recognition. It me couple of times to get used to it, gotta semi-position your head just right to get the slip with your picture on it.

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2848 posts

To answer Marie’s question, you can update your password online. No need to do it in person.