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Gifts for Locals

Hi I'm going to study abroad this fall and I have friends that I have met in college who are from Europe. I will be doing some traveling to visit them before starting my semester and they have all welcomed me into their homes. I want to bring gifts for the families that are letting me stay with them. Any suggestions? I'm on a college budget so nothing super fancy but something American and thoughtful. My first idea was See's chocolates but I want to see if anyone has better suggestions. :)

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3428 posts

Chocolate doesn't always travel well, and they can probably get as good, or better in Europe. If you want to take food items- what about hard "homemade" hard candies from a candy store near your home? Or maybe calendars with pictures of US National Parks or similar locations? Or flat, "metalic" Christmas ornaments? Or handmade crafts- lace, small quilted pillow covers,placemats, Native American dream catchers, etc.? Something that will pack flat. Even small coffeetable books depicting beautiful or famous US landscapes.

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1155 posts

How about refrigerator magnets or coffee mugs from your city or state? Magnets are small, inexpensive and easy to carry which is why I buy them myself as souvenirs of my trips. Starbucks also makes great collectible mugs of local areas but mugs may be tougher to transport.

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3305 posts

When visitors from Europe come to my house, they have brought coffeetable books, Christmas decorations, and many have prepared a lovely meal of their country's cuisine. When my daughter did her junior year abroad, she brought children's books in French but of American books(Paris location), a dream catcher....and I can't recall the others. Just some ideas...

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5678 posts

Rebecca, I've given calendars. In particular I gave Wisconsin Calendars, because I was living there at the time. I'm not sure what I'll bring from NYC to friends, but it might be a New England Calendar if I don't find one from NYC. Pam

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9145 posts

Usually anything that is local to your home is nice, whether it is a calender or coffee table book or some local craft or delicacy. Even something like maple sugar candies is unusual. Native American crafts are usually good too. What is your town or region famous for? You don't say where you are going, but I know in Germany, I have been seeing dream catchers for sale at every fest, so not very rare here anymore. Not sure about other countries though.

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356 posts

I'd recommend buying calendars too, especially if they have beautiful photos of your area. I would avoid chocolate as most people I know who have visited America have been very disappointed in the choccies, especially Hersheys. I would avoid food generally 'cause you may end up buying something that is available in Europe anyway. It does depend who you are buying for, e.g. I know a lot of women who love getting their hands on American drugstore cosmetics and toiletries that are not available in Europe.

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1358 posts

Since you mentioned See's chocolates, I'm assuming that "Orange" is Orange county. I'd suggest going down to Olvero street and getting some Mexican-inspired chotkes. Or your idea of See's chocolates, since that is something LA-specific, would be a good idea, too.