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Ghent--how come it's not a recommended destination?

My husband and I are considering Belgium as part of our European vacation. Why doesn't Rick suggest Ghent? Has anyone been there? It looks great in the pictures.

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12040 posts

Ghent has many of the same sort of old Gothic buildings found in Brugge. But unlike Brugge, Ghent is a thriving modern industrial city, not a preserved museum. In that sense, Ghent more closely resembles Antwerpen, with old world charm sitting adjacent to modern big-city grit.

Why exactly Rick does not recommend Ghent I wouldn't know, but its omission fits his usual pattern. There are thousands of locations throughout Europe that are pleasant or interesting to explore if you find yourself there on business travel, visiting relatives or just passing through. I would place Ghent in this category. However, Rick does not tend to include such places in his books. His guides tend to focus on certain highlights, rather than being a complete survey of a particular country or region.

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10344 posts

Tom makes a fundamental point about Rick's books. As Rick himself explains, they are not intended to be a survey of all worthwhile places in a country. Just because a place is not in Rick's book does not mean it's not worth going to--Rick would tell you that, in fact, he does in the introduction to his books.

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1 posts

There are lots of fabulous places if you venture, even slightly, off the beaten track in Europe where you can see more of the real Europe, avoid the tourist crowds and pay lower prices.

You can read more on my site:

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655 posts

Hi Anne.....To find a more comprehensive listing of European locations you might consider the Michelin Green Guide. They also do a good job of evaluating each one.