There have been some excellent responses so far on the pros and cons of travelers checks. Ask yourself this question.....which way will mean I sleep better at night. If having travelers checks will make you feel more comfortable and more secure, then get them. If you think that debit cards, credit cards and a little bit of cash will suffice, then do that.
Don't worry so much about getting the best exchange rate. You won't. They change daily. You can do things to get better exchange rates but never the best exchange rate. If taking a prepaid card means you enjoy the trip more than worrying something might happen to your checking account if your bank debit card is stolen, then do that. (This is someone else, not you, but I mention it.)
What's important is you do what makes you happy so you can enjoy your trip.
The only suggestion I'm sure everyone here will make to you is to keep your cards, money, checks, whatever, in a money belt.