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Gas price has reached $9 per gallon, Frankfurt citizen burns his car

"I cannot afford to refill it anymore, so I have no use for it anymore" said the 30 year old man when police arrived at the scene on a green just in front of the Frankfurt fair grounds. Full article in German and pictures (click on one of the 3 small pics and the entire gallery will open).,1518,562570,00.html

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6897 posts

That's one frustrated motorist.

That price defintely guts the American-auto-enthusiast argument for renting a car in Germany. Go Bahn.

However, as a northern Californian who awakes to a thick cloud of wildfire smoke everyday, I do hope Americans don't take to setting their SUV's ablaze.

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32303 posts

I saw the article about this in my local paper this morning. Apparently the individual was homeless? What a futile protest!