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Garmin a little off

Used my year old Garmin Nuvi with Europe maps and found it a little off. Several times it placed the building I was seeking on the wrong side of the street. Anyone else experience this?

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3696 posts

Mine puts my daughters house in Lake Mary Fl. about 5 or 6 houses off... a few other times things have not been quite right, but usually close enough. Her Magellan does the same thing to her house. Mine worked fine in GB except took me down a few cow paths.

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9369 posts

GPS receivers work on coordinates, not addresses. Even if a particular address is tied to accurate coordinates (it might not be), the coordinates picked up by the receiver can be affected by a variety of things - cloud cover, the position of the satellites in the sky, electrical interference, tall buildings in the vicinity, etc. If it gets you just across the street, that's about as good as it can get.

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32324 posts

Jerry, I've found the same situation with GPS use, even though I uppdated all the Maps about a year ago. That's why I always suggest that travellers shouldn't trust them implicitly, and should pack along a good Map as well. They're fantastic when everything works well, but can be annoying and problematic also. For example, on a trip to Yuma, the goofy GPS was directing me to turn into a lettuce field when I was trying to find the Hotel. I finally had to resort to a Cell phone to get more specific directions. On a trip to the Cotswolds, the GPS again directed me to turn into a plowed field, however the road signs indicated the town was only one mile ahead, so I ignored the GPS (I was quietly muttering "stupid machine"). I've done some test runs with the GPS here at home, and found that it's not perfect even with well established roads. To reach the highway to the airport from my home, it directs me to take a convoluted and lengthy route through small residential streets with four-way stops, rather than the more direct route that I usually use. It's important to uppdate the Map databases on a regular basis, in order to show new roads or changes to existing roads. Cheers!

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1064 posts

Yes, for several months each year, my GPS insists that I live in the house behind mine on the next street. I think it has to do with the position of the satellite. But it never fails to get me where I am going when I am in unfamiliar territory.

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993 posts

In Cornwall last mont, ours took us from one left turn to another until we were right back where we started.

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361 posts

Hello All, Thank you for the prompt and excellent info on my GPS question. Glad to know mine isn't defective just acting normal.