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Frequent flyer award ticket *but* London Heathrow connection of 2 hours

I'm looking for some advice please. I'm planning a trip to Italy next summer with my teen daughter.

I just scored a "bargain" frequent flyer ticket for both of us right at the 330 day mark. That's the good news.

The bad news is that the only option at this level of miles was to book through LHR with a connection time of 2.25 hours. So we'd be Phoenix - Heathrow, then Heathrow - Pisa. According to the LHR website, both flights go in and out of Terminal 5 in Heathrow. (I guess that could change by next summer.) In theory, we'll need 60 minutes of connection time, and 2.25 hours should be comfortable.

But after all the horror stories from this summer, I'm not so sure. Our last two trips to Europe have had East Coast connections, and then direct flights into Italy. I haven't flown through Heathrow in a while, and certainly not this summer.

My alternative for next summer is to re-deposit my frequent flyer miles and book two tickets on cash that would have direct flights out of the U.S. But it's hard to pass up the comparatively low price of the award tickets.

Any advice or input for us? Thanks in advance.

Posted by
6865 posts

Two big questions...

  1. Can you manage with carry-on only?

  2. Are there any (hopefully many?) other flights you could be moved to (later on the same day) in the event you don't make your connection? I always ask myself, "OK, if things go south, exactly how bad would it be?" Probably many later flights between LHR and Italy, but how many to Pisa and on a partner airline?

Posted by
5804 posts

I'm not sure I'd be ready to toss a ticket for next year based on the airport situations this year. This year is completely atypical. Normally a 2+ hr connection in the same terminal, on a single ticket, would be doable.

Posted by
2926 posts

You should be fine.

If this is indeed all BA and T5, then all you need do is disembark your plane, follow the signs to the underground transit to T5A, and ride over. The shuttle "train" takes about 2 minutes, and runs constantly. Upon exiting you will go up to the main level and follow the purple "Flight Connections" path. You do not enter the UK, you do not go through passport control. You will be directed to the Conformance scan of your boarding pass and your picture will be taken, it will later be compared to you at the boarding gate. You then go from there to LHR security (unavoidable), and from there you enter T5A's massive departure hall and have a snack while you wait for your gate (they post 35 minutes out). If by some chance you are leaving from T5B, you can check beforehand to see if you can simply go from C to B to do this, otherwise it is just hop the same shuttle to go back. Your bags if you checked them will ahve been checked through. Note that it is possible that your plane might cater at T5A (our last BA flight did), so you will simply find the Flight Connections path without the shuttle ride. Also possible your plane could tarmac and you would be bused, but hat bus will also deposit you at T5A.

Here is a link to an old FlyerTalk thread where the o.p. did an incredible job in his first post of mapping out all the possibilities.

With 2'25" currently scheduled you have ample time, your plane could be over an hour late and you would still be fine. T5 in, T5 out really is meant to be done in under 1 hour at worst.

Posted by
138 posts

I say congratulations on scoring a bargain frequent flyer ticket! I wouldn't worry about that connection time, especially since it is almost a year out. It would also be pretty typical to have a flight change or two before your trip rolls around anyway. And the good news is that they'll still get you to Italy with your bargain fare. :)

Posted by
21273 posts

I read where Heathrow has their issue under control (with a passenger cap that went into effect recently). And you dont know what next year will be like. Actually on the return trip, it might be easier to check your bags.... Get your tickets. Go enjoy.

Posted by
5023 posts

Do it! And as you get much closer, just keep an eye on later flights so you know your options just in case.,

Posted by
29 posts

Thank you to all who have replied. I appreciate your kind responses and encouragement!

A particular thanks to you, Larry, for your very detailed explanation of how the connection is likely to work.

I'm feeling much better about keeping the frequent flier tickets - thanks again!

Posted by
23705 posts

Ya -- don't panic. Next year is a long time especially with our new normal. Even if you missed the flight, they are responsible for getting you there whether it is FF ticket or cash. May be a little inconvenient but you will get there.

Posted by
10809 posts

I'm flying through Heathrow to Paris in less than a month with a 2.5 hour connection. The only reason I haven't cancelled is that we have free business class seats via miles on Virgin Atlantic and Air France. If we miss our Air France connection, we'll take another flight later...hopefully...maybe...if available. Anyway, my cheap side is winning out over my practical side. If I remember, I'll report back.

The one issue is that we are supposed to check one bag because we are staying a very long time (don't start with the Schengen stuff--I'm a dual citizen), but I may send it with Send My Bag instead. The logical solution would be to get an Apple Air Tag. But, it doesn't work with an Android phone, and Tile hasn't brought out their promised product that can be used for luggage.