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Free European Charger

I have a European phone charger that has the round pins for Europe (not England). Input is 230v only and output is 6v, 700mA. It has a end plug for an Ericsson cell phone but anyone with a min skill could rewire it to fit any need plug. You can have it for the price of the postage to mail it to you. Send me a PM - I am sure this is violating one of the posting policies. We are getting ready to move and are finding strange things in odd corners.

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32253 posts

Frank, Hopefully you'll be able to continue with the Denver group after your move. I hope it all goes well for you.

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33209 posts

You're not moving to Sacramento, are you> ;-) Good luck with the move - they are always hard.

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23460 posts

Na, just side sizing. Moving two miles (3.2 km for Nigel) south to a condo so we can lock it and leave it. Maybe even meet Nigel for dinner.

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23460 posts

One more chance or it goes into the recycle bin tomorrow.