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France - money, debit, etc.

Would like some advice on: Where's the best way to get some Euro's before we leave / right after we land in Paris. It's really important to me that we at least have enough to get us thru the first couple days for incidental transportation (RER) / food. 50 bucks max probably. I've seen a lot of talk here about getting money from ATM's. Is that the best place? Does anyone know if getting 'cash back' is an option when making a purchase at a regular store? That's my usually MO in the States, I rarely, if ever use an ATM. I belong to a credit union (BECU) - does anyone know if this is going to be a problem if I need to use ATM's, etc. Thanks for any info -

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20 posts

I am interested in this topic too, but am from Canada. We will probably be purchasing traveller's cheques and then cash them to pay for our accommodations (2 of 3 require cash payments and don't take CC). We will probably have some euro on had before we leave to use at the airport etc when we arrive and then the rest we will rely on our credit card. I believe that some places have a maximum withdrawl amount per day at an ATM which is why we are avoiding taking out cash through an ATM unless it is an emergency or we need a few euros for whatever reason. Hopefully someone who knows more will answer.

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92 posts

Molly, I have used both credit cards and ATM on my trip last year. I used the credit card for hotels, pre-reservations done over the internet, car rental etc. I tried to pay everything before hand for these type of things. I used the ATM to get the cash that I needed to have to eat with, to spend as wanted or to pay places that didn't take credit cards. It works quite well. You need to notify your credit union that you are going on the trip and the dates you will be out of the country and what countries you might be traveling or staying in and would possibly use your ATM. They can also advise you of the total amt a day that you can withdraw. Make sure when you are using an ATM, that it is either in the bank lobby, entry way where an ATM is, or outside, in a well visited and used area. When you put your PIN number in, make sure to cover the area your are using (and make sure no one is looking over your shoulders. When I used the ATM on arrival in Frankfurt, or you in Paris, you will find ATM machines in the terminal to get an amt of Euro's that you might need for the day or couple of days. I stayed in Europe 30 days, and would get about $200 dollars worth of Euros and then maybe another $200-$300 the next time before I left. It depends on where you are going and what your intend to do. Try to figure out how much you will spend each day and figure that for a length of time that you will be in France or Paris. The rates through the ATM are cheaper than what is processed on a credit card charge. I would not use any card to get cash back at a store, especially in Europe ( I really don't think they can even do this). Have a good trip. Jerry

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32324 posts

Molly, You might check with your Credit Union to find out if they're able to supply foreign currency. I usually have at least €100 with me for "travel expenses" so that I don't have to start looking for ATM's at the airport when I'm tired and jet lagged. I DOUBT VERY MUCH if you'll be able to get "Cash Back" in Europe. I have NEVER seen that done in many years of travel. Your best bet for cash is an ATM card. Keep in mind that your travel funds must usually be in a chequing account with a four-number PIN. I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND taking a backup ATM card and at least one credit card. On a trip in France last year, my primary ATM card wouldn't work, so I had to resort to my backup card. Also, be sure to check with your Credit Union regarding cash withdrawal fees, and notify them that you'll be travelling overseas. Happy travels!

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32324 posts

QUINNE, I would NOT recommend taking Traveller's Cheques for ANYTHING. These days they are NOT widely accepted and there's usually a substantial fee just to cash them. ATM's are by far the best and easiest method of obtaining cash in Europe. I agree with Rick on this - "I've cashed my last Traveller's Cheque!" I've stayed at many lodgings that will reserve with a credit card, but require cash for payment. It's never been a problem getting the cash to pay the bills. You might want to review your daily withdrawal limit with your financial institution, although sometimes the European banks can set different withdrawal limits. If you take out the maximum withdrawal for a couple of days, you'll have enough cash on hand to pay for the lodgings. Of course be sure to tell your financial institution that you'll be travelling overseas. As I mentioned in my previous reply to Molly, it's a good idea to have a backup ATM card. To obtain Euro's for travelling, we have an ATM in this area that will dispense Cdn.$, US $, Euro's or UK Pounds, but I don't believe there are similar facilities in the Vancouver area (the Kelowna one is the only one in B.C. - next is in Saskatoon). Your Bank should be able to provide foreign currency, although they made need a few days notice to bring Euro's in. Happy travels!

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15768 posts

Molly, you will have no trouble finding an ATM at the airport. It will be as easy as buying the RER tickets. Check with your credit union about the fees they charge. Some issuers charge a flat fee for ATM withdrawals overseas, some charge a percentage, some charge a combination. If it is a flat fee, you would want to take maximum withdrawals to reduce your fees. If you are lucky, your credit union doesn't take fees, so you can take out smaller amounts at a time. Don't worry about having too much cash. Worst case, you use the extra to pay part of your hotel bill when you leave. Also notify your credit card issuer about your travel plans. Otherwise their fraud department might put a hold on the card and then you'll waste time and energy get that straightened out. And as noted above, it is always a good idea to have a second ATM card and a second credit card as back-up. You will need to have a 4-digit PIN for each card.

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11507 posts

Quinne I pmed you ,, but Ken is spot on. I do take about 100 euros with me in cash,, I have no trouble getting it at my banks( TD or Royal) . Do forget about TCs.. everyone else has.

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15768 posts

Sorry for the duplication - I was composing while Ken was posting. As usual, he is right about everything.

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33479 posts

Quinne, I completely agree with Ken on the traveller cheque thing. They simply are not used at all. You will probably find that it is hard even to find a bank to exchange them, and they will charge you a fortune. ..... Molly, supermarkets here in the UK do offer cash back on debit cards, not credit cards, and I believe that they generally only offer it on cards which have the Link logo on them.

Posted by
668 posts

Quinne: Read "Canadians with Currency Advice" below. It covers all you need to know.

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42 posts

Thanks for all your help and advice everyone.

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12313 posts

The only difference between Ken's approach and mine is I don't take any Euros with me unless I have some handy (most of the time I can't remember where I left them until I randomly find them later). Coming into a country or city by either Air or Train, I have never had trouble finding a cash machine before leaving the station. I did come into various countries this year by boat (Baltic Capitals) and had some trouble finding ATMs around the docks but managed to survive.