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France - 2 week itinerary

Below is our itinerary - please provide any suggestions.
Also, since we leave Frankfurt at 7pm on the last day, would like suggestions on where to stay close to Frankfurt. We plan on renting a car for this trip - any suggestions on good car rentals when you pick up and drop off in different countries.

Arrive Paris - 9 am - take train to Brugge
Day 2 - Brugge
Day 3 - Arras (Vimy Ridge), need to pick up car somewhere
Day 4/5/6 - Honfleur, D-Day Beaches & Mont St Michel
Day 7/8 - Amboise
Day 9 Beaune
Day 10/11/12/13 -Chamonix
Day 14/15/16 - Colmar
Day 17 - Frankfurt (fly home)

Posted by
591 posts

Start with AutoEurope for a car rental - they have locations in both Brugge and FRA. If your departure is 7 PM, maybe Heidelburg or Rudesheim would be of interest to you for the last night.

Posted by
9110 posts

Interesting selection. Good route.

Most driving days are three to four hours of road time, but that works if you get an early start.

You might have time to pause either in Amiens or Rouen when you start heading west. I'd probably break for the night at Honfleur, spend the next night at Bayeux to finish up that area, then after MSN, continue to St Malo for the night since it's cheaper and I like it better. Many folks are adamant about spending the night on the mont, I'm not.

I don't know how to do it, but you might want to look into ditching the car in Colemar to save a second country drop off fee, and train it to Frankfurt.

Posted by
313 posts

You can pick up a car in/around Paris and drop it in either Colmar or Strasbourg -- we were doing the opposite a few weeks back. I agree with Ed that it might be easier and cheaper. It's an easy and frequent train ride to Frankfurt.

Posted by
165 posts

Denise, If your driving from Arras to Honflur, you should consider a side trip to Dieppe. The Calgary Tanks Landed there in August of 42. Every Canadian should try to run up that beach just to understand the folly of picking that area for a raid, and why the sand beaches of Normandy were later picked . Have a great trip Peter

Posted by
9110 posts

What Peter said. Missed where you were from. Pause in Amiens, skip Rouen, and stop at Dieppe.

Posted by
30 posts

Thank you for the info on Dieppe - we will try to work it into our trip

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239 posts

We stayed in Dinan after touring Mont St Michel (in RS book). Wonderful little town in Brittany, walls, river, cafes and all original buildings...inexpensive compared to MSM lodging. We liked it much more that St Malo.