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Found the "Neatest" SHOES for our Trip!

Just wanted to let you ladies know that I found these shoes by accident! I love my Crocs, and was looking for the old style flip-flops in black, but couldn't find them anywhere. Salesperson in Hallmark talked me into looking at "Switch-Flops" by Lindsay Phillips. They are so-o-o comfortable! And I bought 4 "switches", so now I have red, orange/purple pattern, solid black(with no switch attached) black & white polka-dot, and black ribbon with rhinestone button that I will wear with dressy black skirt & top to the Musikverein for Vienna Boys Choir performance instead of heels! I'll throw in my old crocs and have SIX different shoes! I'm lovin' it, and it's really going to help with "packin' light"!! I haven't tried, but you may be able to find them on-line. I normally wear a size 6 shoe, and that's what I bought. It felt a little tight at first, but after wearing them for a week around the house, they're just right and the shoe is conforming to my foot!

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102 posts

Pretty cool! My favorite flip-flops are Candie's from Kohl's. Great shape and comfort and I just bought a pair for $ 11.99 - can't beat that!

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262 posts

I just looked at these flip flops. I would have a hard time wearing these shoes to walk all over Europe. I do a lot of walking. These seem more like beach or pool sandals. They provide no support at all, but I wouldn't wear cros for that matter either. I prefer Mephistos or Birkenstocks for sandal type shoes and New Balance for gym shoes.

Happy Travels!

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43 posts

Thanks Debi, I can't wear a closed shoe, but maybe I'll rethink and look at the Mephistos or Birkenstocks.

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5678 posts

I have used both Mephisto and Birkenstock and have to say that Finn Comforts were even better. More expensive, but really great. My feet loves them.


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119 posts

I can't imagine paying $35 for a pair of flip flops. I guess I'm just too cheap.

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43 posts

I checked out the Mephisto, Birkenstock & Finn shoes!! I can't imagine paying $230 to $315 for ANY kind of shoe! The Birkenstocks are the only ones I can come close to affording. I know you probably "get what you pay for", but this southern "girl" (60 year old girl) will just have to kick off the switch flops and go barefoot if necessary! :0)) Thanks for all the comments, though. Serious, repeat travelers or walkers need the better shoes, but I'm hoping I can get by with my stylish flip-flops. If not, maybe I can find some Birkenstocks in Switzerland! Happy Travels

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158 posts

This year Adidas makes a sports sandal that the sole is made of memory foam! It would be like walking on a mattress all day. I might try them...but they are $35 too. Price to pay for comfort.

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9369 posts

I would never wear flip-flops as regular walking shoes in Europe (Crocs either, though I know people love them). My Columbia hiking shoes are my choice for heavy-duty walking days. I take an extra pair of nicer slip-ons, too, for something to change into.

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5678 posts

I never thought I would pay that much either, but oh do I have happy feet. Also, the Finn Comforts are on their third summer. My cheaper sandals were lucky to make it through a single season. Pam

Posted by
262 posts

I do understand that the Mephistos or even Birkis are more expensive, but rememeber a couple things:
you have only 1 pair of feet and they need to last a whole lifetime, LOL. Secondly, this sandals will out last 2 or 3 other pairs of sandals! Thirdly, in Europe, you are more than likely walking many miles a day and on lots of cobblestones, which are hard to walk on and can be very slippery! So when you consider the shoes that you take on this kind of trip, keep all these issues in mind.
They are also very helpful for your back!

Happy Travels!

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43 posts

I ordered a pair of the Adidas that I found on-line from on sale for 16.99!! They have the pillow stuff that was mentioned in earlier post. Maybe this is a step up from Switch? But a step down in price?

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818 posts

Our last trip I ended up wearing a pair of Keen's (about $65) the whole time - not too flashy but I could wear the with a skirt or pants and had no need to pack socks. I'd be very nervous walking around in flip flops on vacation - nervouse I'd fall and break a foot.

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368 posts

I agree with other posters. When you are walking up to 10 miles a day you need good, supportive shoes. I have very bad feet and paid $75 for a pair of good walking shoes. They have lasted through 5 trips to Europe. I had happy feet the entire time.

Also it might rain, be cold, or dusty while you are there so you might want to consider a good black enclosed shoe. I have a pair of Easy Spirit shoes I got at a local outlet store for $20.

I have found that in some cases it is worth spending a little more on a good pair of shoes and to have comfortable feet than remember the trip because your feet were cold or sore.

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340 posts

Jennifer, if you have any outlet stores/malls near you give them a try for a good price on good walking shoes. I also have found very good shoes (many of the brands named above) at Marshalls for very reasonable prices. Flip-flops are my mainstay at home here in Florida but I would have serious leg and back problems if I wore them on the uneven, cobble stoned streets in Europe. I actually bought my first pair of Eccos full price from The Walking Store in 1999 and I'm just now looking to replace them! Good shoes are worth it!

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43 posts

TEN MILES!!!!!????? TEN?? I see a Segway(sp?) in my future!! :0)) We may be sitting at a sidewalk cafe watching the tourists!! I'll let you all know how this story ends shortly after June 2nd! Thanks

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1923 posts

I wear my Crocs all winter long (the furry lined kind) and they are the most comfortable shoe I have...until I wore them in Europe! After one long day in Salzburg, me heels were sore! It took almost a week for them to heal and I never wore my Crocs again while on that trip. So, just some advice, bring two totally different types of shoes just in case they end up not being as comfy as you thought they would be. I ended up wearing a Merrill clog exclusively, and they were really comfortable. I wear my Crocs everyday at home, with no problems, but for miles and miles, they were not good for me. I took three pairs of shoes, tennis for hiking the CT, leather clogs, and Crocs. Next time...just my Merrills. It was a waste of space and weight to take all three.

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11507 posts

Shoes are such funny things, what is perfect for one person can often be no good at all for another.

I do think flip flops are comfy, and I do bring a pair, but I use them as slippers ,,or for evenings when I am just going to the corner cafe for a quick bite. They are just not suitable walking shoes, and yes Jennifer, you will be surprised how much walking one does on vacation in Europe, I would say 10 miles a day is normal for me, and sometimes more..

I have invested in the most comfy shoes ever, they were Naot sandals, and they were 150 dollars, which is alot to me,, but they have lasted me through two trips to Europe in past 3 years,, and they will be going overseas again this July, so if you average that cost per wear thing out, they were dead cheap! LOL

I also always bring one pair of closed toe shoes, (usaully runners),, great for rainy days, or when you really want a good walking shoe.

thing is, there is no right or wrong shoe for everyone, you just have to do alot of trial and error!

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360 posts

I can't imagine wearing flipflops in Europe. The walking surface there is generally much different than what you're used to as it's pretty uneven. Also, being a tourist means that you're going to walk/stand a lot more than you're used to. I went to Paris with my sister a few years ago. She's not a walker. When I brought it up, she said she was on her feet a lot for work & would be fine. Well, she found it wasn't the same thing. Her comfortable US shoes didn't do the trick (& they were a lot more supportive than flipflops), so she bought a few pairs there & was a little more comfortable. By the time we went home 4 days later, her legs were swollen & very uncomfortable. Consider the information you're seeing on this site. Get in shape before leaving & bring a pair of good (probably will be expensive)walking shoes along with your ff. You don't want to ruin your trip. Being a tourist is tough work, but sooo worth it.