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Found Money topic, where is it?

The guy found lots of money in a purse on the ground in London. I was following the discussion with some interest, then left for work. Now I can't find it. I thought it was in General Europe or England.

Anyone know where it is?

Posted by
1336 posts

Lol, I was just looking for it too! Perhaps it was removed for trolling?

Posted by
23650 posts

I thought it was a little lame and why the need for the question. You either put it in your pocket and keep walking or turn it in. There is no middle ground. And you either have ethics/morals or you don't. So why the question???

Posted by
3299 posts

Good point. I wonder if he decided he had made a mistake posting about it and removed it himself.

I tried to find his other topics (like the one about turning in old English notes to the Bank of England), thinking to click on his name and get to this one, but can't find them either.

Posted by
3299 posts

OK, so now I tried the Search function, although it usually is pretty hopeless. Here's what I got:

"Found money
Travel Forum | Created about 16 hours ago | Posted in General Europe

wonder that if you found a purse lying around somewhere with that all that money, what exactly happened to the owner of that purse? Something sounds very wrong & quite awful. now I need to know"

I don't remember anything like that ("something wrong and awful") in the post I saw this morning.

Posted by
5561 posts

You don't remember it because it wasn't there this morning. And the new version has poofed too. I smell a troll.

Posted by
21269 posts

He, as somebody suggested, went back to his dorm to dream up a new troll scheme.

Posted by
32384 posts

It looks like all Threads from that particular OP have disappeared. Perhaps he deleted them himself, or perhaps he incurred the wrath of the Webmaster? In any case, hopefully he turns the money into police ;-)

Posted by
5563 posts

As Unclegus has stated, the poster was a troll. £2800 is a lot of notes to try and cram into a purse and your average purse would be too small, that amount of money could only really fit in a money bag. There's the first whiff, then there's the somewhat inflammatory question about "finders keepers", guaranteed to elicit a response and finally there are the other strange posts that also contradict the alleged travel plans of the OP.

All in all it would appear that the OP was someone who just wanted to troll the boards and waste the time of genuine contributors. It seems like the webmaster agrees.

Posted by
2687 posts

JC,I did ask the question on whether it was a British Purse that as we know is quite small or an American purse which we would call a handbag. If a handbag had been found lying in a Metro station it would have triggered a full on security alert.

Posted by
8889 posts

A £50 note weighs 1.21g (I looked it up). £2800 = 56 x £50 = 68 g. Definately transportable.
But why would anybody be daft enough to walk around London with £2800 in cash?

Switzerland I'd believe it. There was a case 2 years ago when a couple left CHF 144,000 on a tram, and the driver handed it in:
Google translate:

Posted by
1031 posts

You mean the message from the high Nigerian official that needs to my help is not real???? Sarcastic.

Posted by
1336 posts

This was certainly some pretty odd trolling. I don't approve of trolling, but I can kinda understand why people do it on message boards that focus on politics or sports. Posting odd topics to travel boards seems kinda pointless.

Posted by
5563 posts

A £50 note weighs 1.21g (I looked it up). £2800 = 56 x £50 = 68 g. Definately transportable.
But why would anybody be daft enough to walk around London with £2800 in cash?

Assuming it's all in 50's, an unlikely scenario.

Posted by
2916 posts

the op was a troll, there never was any money

Next thing you know you'll be saying that Three Card Monte is not legit.

Posted by
15095 posts

Walking around in Euro with 1,000 Euro on you in denominations of 10s, 20, 50s is no problem.

Posted by
10707 posts

Since Chinese tourists don’t carry credit cards but are known to carry a lot of cash on trips, enough for buying very expensive status items, I assumed the purse had been lost by a Chinese tourist.

Posted by
11991 posts

So did RS staff nuke the posts or did the OP slink away in shame?...hmmm