Hey everyone! I want to thank the vast community for making this a place where so many thousands of people can get travel advice and make each others' trips that much better. It's truly impressive, and that goes for the thousands of you with 10+ posts to those of you with 10,000+. (Some of you are in the 20s and even the 30s now... wow!)
On this note of gratitude, I've been chatting with some of our regular members and it's time to chat about some etiquette. No, I'm not slapping anyone on the wrists!
It's appreciated when the OP can return to a thread they started and acknowledge those who've taken their own personal time to help others with their questions. No, no one's spending time writing posts here to seek praise, but it helps contributors know that their time is well spent when there's an acknowledgement or even just a brief "thank you!"
I'm realistic that this PSA won't reach everyone, especially newer members, and that it's hard to remember to come back to this website if you've already left and life goes on. I think we all get that and don't expect 'thanks' from everyone. But it means it helps that much more if you can remember. And maybe, if you're engaged in a thread, you can help others feel acknowledged and comment on good advice. No, we don't have a like button here on purpose, and no, this isn't about upvoting one's advice over that of others. And no, I don't expect we'll all act like the Care Bears from here on. ;) My purpose in saying this is that we can all help each other. And it can be infectious... in a good way. There are a lot of great personalities here with a variety of travel experience, and I hope you all notice that in each other.
Feel free to reply with any other good etiquette advice you may have. This thread is not an invitation for commentary about what others don't do well enough. Please keep the tone positive about what people can do.
Thanks to you all for your time reading this and for your time helping others.