I am curious what other parents think and/or do about pulling kids from school to go on a trip to Europe. Do you have a problem with them missing a few days for a family trip to Europe? How many days are you willing for them to miss? Is there an age/grade that you have no problem doing it before you won't do it at all?
Our daughter is now in kindergarten so we can't take our trips during the off season (February - early April usually) like we used to. We were usually gone for 13-14 days so we can't be gone that long either. My husband and FIL really want to go to Europe during her spring break in April and neither really have a problem with her missing 2 days of school so we can leave on a Wednesday night, since "she's only in kindergarten" as they both say. I am the daughter of two educators and we were never pulled from school for a trip, my parents never thought it was a good idea for kids to miss school for that kind of reason. I'm torn between being ok with her missing one day or not missing any. I feel as if the one day might be ok since she is in a immersion program and we plan on her practicing the german she has been learning while we are there but I'm not sure. I plan of finding out what the policy might be at school but was curious what others do/think.