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Posted by
1620 posts

Well of course we're uninhabited -- except for all those pesky polar bears roaming around.

Now excuse me while I get back to my igloo.

Posted by
191 posts

While the context is a bit ridiculous, and they somehow forgot Toronto which has a little more than 25% of the Canadian population, it is true that an overwhelmingly large portion of the country is uninhabited. I don't remember the numbers but a very large percentage of the total population is very close to the US border.

Posted by
107 posts

Steve - The invasion has already begun!!!

We will firstly force our EVIL socialist health care system on replete with Death Panels!!!

Then we will force you to only drink coffee at Tim Horton's stores located every kilometer (that's right metric!!!)

Finally we will force you to listen to Anne Murray, Gordon Lightfoot and Rita McNeil until you submit to our will!!!!

Chaos will follow!!!

Posted by
162 posts

I find different numbers online, but about 75% to 90% of Canada's population live within 100 km of the USA border. For example, my parents live 30 m (90 ft) from the border.

List of countries ranked by density.

Top is Macau and Monaco at over 40 000 people per square mile.

Canada has 3 people per square mile, just greater slightly than Australia, and near the bottom of the list.

USA is 31 people per square mile

Posted by
668 posts

We have already taken over! Los Angeles is the second largest Canadian city with more Canadians except for Toronto!

Posted by
32324 posts

As Chris mentioned, I've also heard that 80-90% of the Canadian population live within 200 miles / 320 kM from the U.S. border.

Given the fact that Canada is the second largest country on earth with comparatively few people, it's not surprising that it has such a low population density. In looking at some of the countries in Europe, it's interesting to see that Italy has a density of 517 per sq. mile while the U.K. is at 640 per sq. mile.

Posted by
2297 posts

A little while ago I did a presentation with my daughter to her Girl Guides group about Germany. To explain the difference of size and population we took a map of Alberta and one of Germany. Germany is about half the size of Alberta and has 80 Mill. people. Alberta has about 3 Mill. We then took gummi bears (a German invention!) and glued them onto the maps. One gummi bear represented one Mill. people. The entire map of Germany was covered, we really squeezed those gummis in there! For Alberta we only had 3 little gummi bears that looked quite lonely - one placed in Calgary, one in Edmonton, one in Fort McMurray.

It was fun to do, quite memorable and it really got the point across.

Posted by
2349 posts

Another thing is that the Canadians are always so nice and polite that it's like they're not even there. Unless they've been drinking Canadians and watching hockey, eh?

Posted by
9146 posts

Any country that can produce a show like "Corner Gas" is ok in my book.
Not so sure about "Trailer Park Boys" though.

Posted by
2193 posts

And, where in the heck would we be without Mike Myers and John Candy?

Posted by
3580 posts

and Celine Dion, Peter Jennings, Michael J. Fox....
Maybe they meant to spell it uninhibited...

Posted by
582 posts

And, The Tommy Hunter Show!LOL! Wow, that sure is a blast from the past! I was a guest on that show in the 1980's!
Sylvia Tyson is cool too!

Posted by
638 posts

Last night I went to a hockey game in Los Angeles LA versus Vancouver, it was Canadian Heritage Night!!! As Iaian said they've taken over Los Angeles, but then they can have it.

Posted by
1924 posts


OK, Hows this Canada. WE'll trade you Detriot for Gordon Lightfoot. All the best! Monte

Posted by
12313 posts

Is it true Canada's official position on Global Warming is "bring it on"?

Posted by
16057 posts

Is it true that some guy at home, blitzed out on Labatt's, was watching his wife sweep the floor and thought, "why not make that the national sport?"

Posted by
2193 posts

And, where did dog-gone-it, you bet-cha, don’t-cha-know, awesome, heckuva, and all-uv-em come from… Alaska or Canada?

Posted by
124 posts

Don't forget such famous Canadians as Jim Carrey, Martin Short and Shania Twain!

It's exciting that the world will be watching 100 days from today when the Winter Olympic Games open in Vancouver!!!

And we still haven't had any snow yet in southern Ontario - unlike some places in the US - just saying :) !!!

Posted by
2349 posts

An employee in a nature center in Ontario was showing my kids a little snake. He quietly said, "Wow, eh?" I loved that.