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For all us travel addicts.....

Beginning this month, there will be a new series of shows airing on PBS stations......

These 30 minute episodes cover a wide variety of destinations, both in Europe and elsewhere so should be of interest to many.

Posted by
2649 posts

well I get some PBS stations via my Smart TV here in the UK so will look out for them.I do remember seeing some of her travel articles on cable channels in the uk but not for a few years,always thought she visited interesting places and did things away from the norm.

Posted by
2529 posts

While she’s not on my Christmas card list, I’ll probably tune in.

Posted by
1497 posts

Thanks for the heads up Ken! It is definitely a wide variety!

Posted by
4011 posts

I think she did a podcast with RS and it was quite enjoyable. Her inquisitive mind is contagious.

Posted by
16744 posts

It appears that nine of the 13 destinations covered are in North America. Then two in China and one each in Ireland and Switzerland.

That photo of her on a horse in Ireland is so awkward it is painful to look at.

Posted by
6636 posts

We used to watch some of her previous shows. We called her "perky lady." Looks like time hasn't changed anything. I'll try to catch the Oregon RV trip.

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16744 posts

I like Rudy Maxa. Most of his shows are available on Amazon Prime Instant Video.

Posted by
11455 posts

Rats! Looks like Oregon Public Broadcasting hasn't picked it up yet.

Posted by
7061 posts

Well, for those of us ludites without Amazon Prime streaming, Netflix, or expanded cable stations, it's nice to have a variety on PBS that we can actually watch so it will be a welcome addition.

And Lola, I'm not sure what you mean about the horseback shot for the Ireland show. Looks like she's riding English style and it doesn't look any more awkward than anyone else riding that way.

Posted by
539 posts

Her recent podcast episode on Get Outta Here Ep.35 was rather insightful about The Travel Channel and their 'issues' with female show leads. More importantly, she's funding this show out of her own pocket as a result. Hope RS and other travel media is able to feature her and led the support that the industry needs.
Listen here

Posted by
16744 posts

Nancy, her hands are too high, too far apart, and she is jerking the horse's mouth. Obviously not an experienced rider, and I feel for the horse.

And I am a proud Luddite myself, but I have to say that Amazon Prime brings me a lot of free videos on my iPad with very little tech savvy on my part. I actually do not know how to work our TV to get PBS programs; it is too complicated once we ditched the Comcast connection.

Posted by
1497 posts

Gotta. be better than "three sheets" which my daughter had me watch over the holidays. It's a travel show about drinking in different countries!

Posted by
12172 posts

I've seen Samantha Brown in the past, I think Travel Channel. She's a good host but the show seemed more about advertising upscale amenities than sights.

Posted by
1321 posts

Scrolling through our TV guide this weekend we saw Samantha Brown and Rudy Maxa appear and immediately set to record the series. I guess that makes us addicts :)

I love Three Sheets. I bought the dvd set for my nephews. Anything to inspire travel. And I find it more fun to watch than Anthony Bourdain

Posted by
1221 posts

She's a good host but the show seemed more about advertising upscale amenities than sights.

From some things my local tourist development council has said, there is a fair amount of pay to play on some of the travel and road trip shows.