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Flooding in Venice?? Need boots?

My neighbor has been to Venice before and said we should bring boots because it floods from time to time and we won's be able to walk around without them.. has anyone had this experience or are there certain times of the year when that happens? I do not want to bring boots.. I am really trying to pack light!

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5792 posts

I would not bother bringing boots. I've been there 3 times and once a portion of Piazza San Marco was flooded for one day. They had these raised wooden walkways to get to certain places. I did not need boots.

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217 posts

ahh good to know.. she did say something about wood boards but was not sure they would be everywhere

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5792 posts

You know, it is always possible that there could be some extreme flooding, but who wants to carry boots around for a couple of weeks in case that happens. I'd take my chances.

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3580 posts

Platforms are erected throughout the flooded areas. Walk on the platforms; don't carry boots. I've been there during mild flooding; I either walked around the water or walked on the platforms. It's an adventure!

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217 posts

thats a relief.. I so did not want to carry boots.. my friend did and she did not even need them as there was no flooding when she was there.

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11644 posts

When it floods (called Acqua Alta, by the way) there are inexpensive boots for sale, about €20 per pair and good enough for a day or two. We just head to a different part of the city when the siren sounds. Cannareggio is higher than San Marco for example. Just walk away from the lower areas for a couple of hours.

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791 posts

Been to Venice probably close to 100 times and never, not once, needed boots.

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12313 posts

I think Aqua Alta reaches it's pinnacle in November. We were there the third week of October. One morning we experienced some "flooding". When it happens there are isolated areas (most notable - parts of St. Mark's Square) that have standing water. It looked like it had rained and there were large puddles still standing in parts of the square. The local merchants put out scaffolding, that looks like folding tables when needed. Some put bread bags over their shoes. Most just walk around normally and avoid the flooded areas. It all recedes by noon - really nothing to worry about.

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3941 posts

I'm sure if there is a lot of water, you could prob get a really cheap pair and just leave them when you go...we had a littloe water when there in Sept, but you just had to walk on the raised platforms (it was ankle deep in places outide San Marco)

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951 posts

We were in Venice in 2010, December, when the US was hearing reports of people drowning in the flooding of Venice. Having my folks send me these stories prior to our arrival in Venice, we called our hotel and asked if we should not come to Venice during this disasterous event. They said the media is really playing up this flooding and that no casualties/injuries were occuring and that we should not skip Venice. We we arrived, and yes there were areas of elevated platforms where the water was high, especially coming off the vaporettos. And yes we saw the water come over the sea wall near rialto Bridge but it was really all avoidable and did not affect our trip by any means, despite what the media was portraying. Even St mark's square was fine, we did not see any flooding there. But it was all tidal based and not constant by any means. We were in some art gallery where the manager told us to visit the outside courtyard first before the tides roll in. but I did not need "wellies" or have my feet get wet.

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791 posts

Kelly, I don't want to start an argument but trust me, the media were not "playing up" anything. The flooding we had in the Veneto (inlcuding Venice) in 2010 was very bad. Over a billion dollars in damage and there were a few deaths as well. It was the worst flooding in some 60 years or so.

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360 posts

I've been there in May when there was a lot of flooding and I slipped into my Keens (I hiked CT in) and got through just fine, some hotels have loaner boots or you can buy some cheap ones. There's really nothing to worry about and I wouldn't pack boots.

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976 posts

Was there in Dec.2010 also and had to retrace my steps near San Marco the water was so deep- but just in the morning. It was too cold to wear real shoes in the water. There are really cheap thin plastic colored "boots" ( think cellophane with a plastic sole) sold by tourist shops if you really feel the need- chances are you can just walk somewhere else. Might have been 12 or 15 or 20 euros- probably wouldn't use them again if you bought them.

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1068 posts

Lots of good advice already posted! My two cents'-worth: I was in Venice during a VERY VERY rainy October. Lots of water. Lots of wading, splashing, and tiptoeing around the deepest bits. Also - lots of raised wooden walkways, especially around major tourist sights. And - it's Venice. Even with soaked feet, I was magnificent. And packing boots for an off chance? Nah. If I were you I would take my chances and buy cheapo boots when there, if need be.