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First time traveler to Europe: Rome, Florence, Paris in 2 short weeks?

Hello, I am also starting to plan a 2 week trip to Europe with my sister from May 1 to May 14 and first time traveler to Europe! Our desired cities are Paris/Rome/Florence. I'm uncertain if I should fly direct to Rome from Vancouver or should I be considering Paris first? Both are expensive. Ideally, I'd like to fly to Rome and then train to Florence. My sister and I are wanting to visit the Space outlet. While on the way to Florence, wondering if there is a train route that lets me view much of the Tuscan countryside and perhaps even a stop in Umbria. I'd love to find a route that lets me stop in one or two small towns on the way. After leaving Florence, I'd then like to stop in Cinque Terre, hike the small towns, train to Genoa, and then fly to Paris. I would then spend the remaining time in Paris with a day trip to Chateau de Versailles. Then fly home direct to Vancouver. What do you all think of this proposed itinerary? Should I cut out Cinque Terre..though I heard it's spectacular! Is this doable for around 12 days? Thanks,

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3696 posts

Roselyn... ver exciting, first time to Europe... Are you interested in seeing just the highlights in each location? It sounds like it and I think if you understand that it is doable. If you have 12 days you could do 3 days Rome, 3 days Florence (1 day a village) 2 days CT and the rest Paris (maybe 1 daytrip) You will then have a good idea of what each location has to offer and if you are fortunate enough to return to Europe you can decide if you want to visit anyplace in depth. Yes, you will have travel time, but I have done this kind of trip, as well as staying put for a longer period of both, its a matter of personal preference. I usually drive, so others can give you advice on logistics with the train. Have a wonderful trip!

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1243 posts

Roselyn, sounds like a great itinerary. For Rome to Florence, and Florence to CT, trains work very well. For CT to Paris, you may want to look into flying from Pisa instead of Genoa. Try; very reliable airline but pay close attention to baggage restrictions and fees. Do you have Rick Steves Italy book? It has a wealth of info that will help. Enjoy your trip!

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864 posts

First off think about open jaws - flying into say Rome and out of Paris (which I kinda think you already are). Personally I think less is better, especially for your first trip. No, any trip. Plan for your first full day, say Rome, to go easy on the brain. Do the Forum etc. Next day something a little more brain taxing (say a tour of the Vatican museum which is 3 hours). Lunch, a short nap that sort of thing. Give yourself three full days (not including arrival day) for Rome, two for Florence (not including the train day from Rome to Florence), a bus trip to say Sienna (or hire a car). Cinque Terre is very nice but for your first trip there is so much to see in Rome and Florence and/or the hill towns personally I think you'd get a better bang for your buck, err, Loonie. You really really should plan on if not a full day off 1/2 way through your trip at least two 1/2 days off. Otherwise it'll become a blurry vision. You can overnight train to Paris or, train from Florence to Turin, spend the night, and finish up the trip the next day to Paris. This gives you both down time and a tour of the countryside (take a picnic!). You can take the RER to Versailles (RER C line). Your hotel can direct you to the nearest C line (usually located below the subway/underground line). Easy to find the Chateau from the train station.

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4132 posts

I agree with Marie. Unfortunately you've only got 12 days, so if you are going to hit 3 of the world's greatest cities plus transportation between you don't really have time for the CT. The worst thing you could do would be to cram in too much. I would also look at air connections and to some extent let what you learn shape your itinerary. If there is a reasonable flight from Florence (or Milan, about 2 hours from Florence) to Paris, take it. If there's one from Rome to Paris, could you fly into Florence (or Milan) and see Rome second?

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8221 posts

I agree with Marie and Adam. Time in one of the great cities of the world is precious. If you cannot find a good budget flight out of Florence to Paris, take the train 75 miles west to Pisa. It's really the region's dominant international airport.

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32253 posts

Roselyn, As this is a first trip to Europe for both of you, my first suggestion would be to read Europe Through The Back Door, as that provides a lot of good information on "how" to travel and avoid problems. Once you've finalized which locations you'll be visiting, use the country-specific Guidebooks for hotels, restaurants, sightseeing and transportation. In this case, using open-jaw flights inbound Paris and outbound Rome would be a good idea, as it will provide less of a "culture shock". Unfortunately, given the current economic conditions, I believe expensive flights will be a fact-of-life from now on. I saw a report this morning that indicated that the cost of jet fuel has increased by 40% over the last few months! When planning your time, be sure to allow for your two flight days. You'll arrive in Europe the day after you depart, and the last day will be spent on the flight home. Also, plan a more relaxed touring schedule for the first few days after arrival, as you'll be jet lagged and won't be up to full "touring speed". With a two-week time frame, a few days in the Cinque Terre should be possible. Which of the five villages are you planning to stay in? Regarding "hiking" the trails, it's important to note that most of them are currently closed. Authorities have announced that they plan to have them open by Easter, but not sure if they'll be able to achieve that? It's very easy to travel between them via the local train or boat, so you'll still be able to see all the towns. Your best bet from Paris to the Cinque Terre is a flight from Paris / ORY to Pisa / PSA via EasyJet (flight time 1H:40M). You can easily get to the C.T. from Pisa by train. Happy travels!