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First ever Bloomington-Fort Wayne RS meeting

It took place today when Bets and I had lunch together in Bloomington. We broke protocol and did not go to Panera. We also will not fall for the gold ring scam of the Helpline. "Oh, you had a meeting. You owe us a franchise fee."

It was great getting to know her. We talked about all of you, of course.

Posted by
10544 posts

Awesome Karen! Don't fall for Frank's franchise fee scam. Or Eileen's. I will let you know if Eileen talks about you at our meeting on Saturday. You should hear some of the things she says... :-)

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19234 posts
  1. You don't owe anyone a franchise fee (but then you knew that). Hey, I've known Frank for years, and he likes to poke people, but it's all in jest (sorry, Frank, I blew your cover).

  2. You don't have to go to Panera. Frank and I picked Panera for the first ever meeting, but it was just because it was between us and had Wifi. No other reason.

Have fun!

Posted by
9145 posts

Wish I could be there, cause I know this will be a fun meeting. (Hope Bets talked nice about me.)

Posted by
2349 posts

Yes, Jo, she did say nice things about you. I'm a little worried about you going to the Sacramento meeting. Will you make it out alive?

Posted by
9145 posts

Yes, of course. I am taking my dad with me in case there are problems.

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10544 posts

No worries Jo. We haven't had any fatalities yet. There was one close call though... :-)

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4412 posts

We do keep trying, though...We're gonna have to start a 'Panera-and-hotel' package at the rate we're going ;-) Brunch included...

(Private message for Karen & Bets - thanks for sending me the franchise fee so quickly!)

Posted by
348 posts

Are yu meeting in January?\in Ft. Wayne? When/where? Thanks!

Posted by
10515 posts

@Kat, Probably not. If we ever do have a meeting, it would be in Indianapolis. We've thrown the idea around with Jean-Paul, Norman, and Grier. Maybe one day, but definitely not now with the Artic air arriving.

Posted by
10544 posts

I don't know why kat cares about a meeting there. She is contractually bound to attend the Sacramento meetings and only the Sacramento meetings. And kat, don't forget that I know where you live and you know you don't want to mess with me! :-)

Karen, if you guys can set up a meeting I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Posted by
2349 posts

The only meeting I'm having today is with the Christmas decorations. I am determined to win. Although the nutcrackers are looking at me with steely, determined eyes.