Hello! I am attempting to plan my first ever trip to Europe this coming July/August in 2016. I know I am going in the busiest, hottest time of year for Europe, but alas, that's when I was able to get 2 weeks off.
I will be flying out either Friday night/Saturday on July 22/23rd and returning on Sunday, August 7th. I am traveling with my boyfriend so there will be 2 of us to split rooms - we are on a tight budget. My boyfriend recently visited Dublin, London, Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris, so I am picking some new places for him to go to and for my best possible tour of Europe.
So far the places and order I have been thinking (we haven't booked tickets yet, but have picked major cities to fly in/out of for cheaper prices):
Fly into Rome
1.) Rome
2.) Venice
3.) Stop somewhere in the Alps, have been looking at Neuschwanstein castle and going to Zugspitze on the way to...
4.) Munich
5.) Amsterdam
6.) London
7.) Paris
Fly out of Paris
So questions/opinions:
1.) Too much or doable with all these locations in this timeframe? I know they say "plan as if you're coming back" but I don't know if I will ever be able to afford to come back until I'm retired (25 years).
2.) IF I were to cut out cities... which ones? I was thinking Amsterdam/London, since if I did come back, they are located nearby each other enough I could hit them up in another trip. Or would this be a mistake for a person's first trip to Europe? I will say Rome and Venice have been my dream to visit. Munich and Bavaria are close enough to Venice (I think) to be feasible. Could fly from Munich to Paris for a short visit then fly out of Paris.
3.) What's the best way to get from Venice to Munich with a day or two (if possible) visiting in the Bavaria region (specifically Zugspitze so I can see the Alps and Neuschwanstein so I can see a castle)? Or do you have another suggestion in-between that would offer a great view of the Alps and a castle? I have been eying up toboggan tracks in Switzerland but as the country looks beautiful it also looks quite expensive. I thought maybe Bavaria on my way to Munich might better serve.
4.) What is the best way to travel between each city overall (or with your suggested corrected itinerary?)
So far thinking:
Rome -->Venice via Italia Rail
Venice --> Munich (any trains stop conveniently near Neuschwanstein castle and Zupspitze? Wouldn't it be a bad idea to go to Munich and backtrack to these places on a "day trip"?)
Munich --> Amsterdam via flight
Amsterdam --> London via train
London --> Paris via train
Any input or suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!!