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First & best piza in Italy

I saw on Rick's show, that there was a really cool place that served the world's first pizza? Does anyone know where that was

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7898 posts

Off hand, I do not remember the name of the place, but it is one of two very well known places in Naples. Someone else with a guide at hand could probably chime in. If in Rome though, my favorite is Dar Poeta in the Trastevere.

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32320 posts


As the previous post mentioned, I also believe this was in Naples but I can't recall the name of the Pizzeria (possibly Antica Pizzeria Port’Alba). As you probably saw on the show, the original Pizza only had a few toppings and had little resemblance to the types that we're used to here. As I recall, the Margherita (named for a Queen) only had tomato sauce, mozzarela and basil (the combination formed the same colours as the Italian flag).

Happy travels!

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11 posts

Google returned this. As mentioned in the earlier posts, "Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba" in Naples does seem like the world's first true pizzeria.

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510 posts

I think it is Da Michele. We ate there once. The have only two types of pizza: marinara and margherita. they were both delicious.