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Finding direct trains in the UK between Ipswich and London.

I plan to travel to the UK to visit relatives in Ipswich, a short trip from London. The trip down (or up!) is no problem and is a direct journey of about one and a quarter hours. However, finding a train back to London on virtually any website I look at is a nightmare. No direct trains, most with at least 2 changes, some with three and a journey of almost 3 hours. I also often get a message telling me that they have no details and that normally details are available 3 months out. I plan to return on 31st March.

Is there something that I am missing here?


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96 posts

May be better off posting on England forum but shows bus for part of the trip. As March 31 is a Saturday, there is probably track maintenance going on.

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23650 posts

Why not ask the relatives for suggestions since they live there?

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6113 posts

That is Easter weekend and many train companies use the time when there are fewer commuters to undertake engineering work, using bus replacements and unfortunately adding much time to journeys.

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2 posts

Thanks to all. Had not realised that it was Easter. Have decided to drive and tie in with other activities. R.