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FINALLY IN EUROPE AND SICK need advice on docs in venice or florence

Long story but in Paris feeeling vey dizzy on and off for two days now after a severe migraine thought it was related to the migraine but feeling pretty bad. We fly to venice tomorrow if i need a doc there does anyone Know of one in venice that speaks english its feeling a bit late to get one here in paris
Dreading having to travel tomorrow:( I will onlu have internet tonight not sure what I will have in Venice.

Posted by
646 posts

Good luck, Barbara. Please check back and let us know how you made out. It could be helpful for future travelers. Feel better. You also might want to post on Trip Advisor's Venice travel forum There are destination experts on that site, also people living in Venice.

Posted by
9110 posts

Apart from the main hospital, the US Embassy doesn't have any specific listings for English speaking doctors in Venice: But since Venice is a tourist mecca, language shouldn't be a major issue at the hospital. They should be used to handling lots of tourists. If you have travel insurance you could give them a call and see what they recommend.

Posted by
964 posts

Hi Barbara, I'm so sorry you're feeling so unwell. The hotel where you're staying (either in Paris or Venice) should be able to help you find a doctor.
Hope you feel well soon.

Posted by
11525 posts

So sorry , how horrible. Are you sure you don't want hotel to call a doctor in Paris, they do housecalls there and the prices are nothing like you would think . I would seriously consider asking at front desk,, flying while sick make be a bad idea,,especially since you are feeling dizzy, could be an inner ear thing that could be made worse.
Good luck.

Posted by
27 posts

Here is the Dr. that Rick Steves recommends in Florence. FLORENCE DOCTOR Dr. Stephen Kerr, an Englishman who specializes in treating sick tourists, has moved to Studio Medico, fourth floor, Piazza Mercato Nuovo 1 (aka Loggia del Porcellino by the small leather market between Ponte Vecchio and Piazza della Repubblica the one with the bronze boar with the shiny nose). No appointment is needed from 15:00 to 17:00 weekdays, otherwise call tel. 055-288-055 or 335-836-1682 (one digit in the last number was missing in guidebook). The maximum fee is €60.

Posted by
27 posts

Here is the Dr. that Rick Steves recommends in Florence. FLORENCE DOCTOR Dr. Stephen Kerr, an Englishman who specializes in treating sick tourists, has moved to Studio Medico, fourth floor, Piazza Mercato Nuovo 1 (aka Loggia del Porcellino by the small leather market between Ponte Vecchio and Piazza della Repubblica the one with the bronze boar with the shiny nose). No appointment is needed from 15:00 to 17:00 weekdays, otherwise call tel. 055-288-055 or 335-836-1682 (one digit in the last number was missing in guidebook). The maximum fee is €60.

Posted by
10837 posts

Barbara, If you are still in Paris and think you need a doctor this evening, there is a doctor service that makes house calls. It's called S.O.S. Medicin. Just ask the hotel clerk to call for you. It's a widely used service in Paris.

Posted by
217 posts

Thank you all for all your advice We are not in a hotel but in an apt. I think i know what the prob may be ans if so i just need some different antibiotics. Its prretty late here now in Paris and we are leaving in the AM for Venice so I am going to seek out someone there I thought there was someone on the site that posts from time to time who lives there. The site on italian docs is reallynhelpful tha ks I am.also going to call my health insurance company who a.number to call should I get sick
Thanks again for all who posted.

Posted by
32417 posts

Barbara, Sorry to hear that you're having problems on your holiday. I agree with the others that asking the Staff at your Hotel is usually the first thing to try. Will you be in an apartment in Venice also? One option would be to find out where the nearest Pronto Soccorso is located. However, there's no guarantee that you'd find an English-speaking Physician. You could try calling Ambulatorio San Giorgo to see if they can offer any help (Tel: 041-523-0200). Good luck! Hope you're feeling better!

Posted by
91 posts

I'm surprised no one among this normally well-informed bunch has mentioned an organization that began in Canada in 1960 and has since helped many sick travellers all over the world. It's IAMAT International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers. Every year it prints a useful booklet listing English-speaking medical personnel world-wide who are available to travellers. IAMAT also provides information about vaccinations, health risks, food and water safety advice, etc. Annual membership is $25/$30, I believe, and rates of services are the same anywhere in the world. House or hotel calls max out at $150. for example. Check WWW Phone for the U.S. office, in Niagara Falls: 716-754-4883; For Canada, in Toronto: 416-652-0137. (In Firenze, Dr. Stephen Kerr, cell phone 39- 335-836-1682. In Venice, Dr. Michele Sparga, 041-523-0200.) Good luck, Barbara!

Posted by
32417 posts

I am aware of IAMAT, and have mentioned it here on the HelpLine on several occasions. I'm a member and have had to use their services in the past. However, I didn't mention it this time as I didn't think the information would be of any use to Barbara as she's likely not a member so wouldn't be able to utilize their services. Cheers!

Posted by
217 posts

First chance I have had to post back and just sat thanks to all who helped me. It did not matter if I would have had a dr name. Seems like they send you to the hospital any way. Hope no one has a serious reason to go to the hospital in Venice. I just needed a change in antibiotic as the one I had was not working. I wont go into all the details but I would just say as a woman if something does not feel rigt to you speak up. I had an uncomfortable situation occur and refused an exam the doc was planning to do that was not necessary and invasive. Without getting into details trust me it was not necessary and the doc was really annoyed and stormed out of the room. He did not lisyen to me when I tried to explain my situation. I thought i was going to have to leave without my prescription but in the end he gave it to me. 45 euro and the did an ultrasound and lab test. No way that cheap here in the US. Trying to figure out how to pay was interesting as well. You went to a machine and put in your paperwork and pay by cc or cash, however no one explains it to you. Then you put the payment ticket in a box.
I have been better but fear not 100% so praying the meds will keep me good unti I get home. I run out two days before we leave and most of those are travel days. I have been able to enjoy most of the trip thank goodness though. Thanks again all

Posted by
565 posts

Whew! Your post makes me glad my broken ankle happened in Vienna! Dr. Freud must have rubbed off on these docs, because mine was fabulous. I'm glad your bill was reasonable. Drink lots of water and don't overdo it. (I'm a nurse too!)

Posted by
217 posts

Lots of water yes exactly what i need to do but hard when you are touring around and dont always have access to a bathroom and on travel days its particularly difficult and i think that got me into trouble in the first place.
in fairnesscthe first doc I spoke with at the hospital did listen and she spoke good english but the problem was when they sent me up to the urologist who fancied himself a GyYN as well!

Posted by
964 posts

Hi Barbara, glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better. What a rotten experience with that doctor.
You mentioned that you'll run out of your meds 2 days before you leave for home- it might be worth going to a pharmacist and asking if you can get a couple of days of anti-biotics. Obviously take the packaging you have with you. I have done this in Spain. Good luck!

Posted by
1532 posts

Barbara, I had a son who was hospitalized in Pordenone (about 50 miles from Venice) Italy for almost a month. I flew out there immediately when I learned he was in ICU. I absolutely couldn't believe the condition of the hospital. I am a nurse, and I thought no one would believe me if I tried telling them how bad it actually was. He actually got moved to a different hospital after 3 weeks that was in much better condition. They have very different attitudes about illness and recovery in Italy. They believe pain is a part of the natural healing process and a good thing. They also absolutely don't question anything their Dr.s suggest. I had run ins with a few Dr.s while there so can totally sympathize. That Dr. was probably shocked and indignant that you were questioning his authority. Hope you feel well for the rest of your trip!