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Film in Paris X-Ray Machines

Heading to Paris and am concerned about both unexposed and exposed rolls of film (regular Kodak 400) going through Paris airport x-ray machines. Any reason for concern? Any precaustions to take?

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23642 posts

Not a problem for the carryon, personal xray screen. However, do not know what is being used for checked luggage. The old systems were OK but newer bomb detecting equipment will fry film and other magnetic media. Keep it in your in carryon luggage.

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389 posts

Robert, I suggest that you ask the inspectors to hand check the film or use a lead pouch. Although they have been saying for years that the x-ray machines are safe for film, repeated exposure (at least coming and going) tends to dull the colors. I haven't traveled with film for a couple of years, but never let it go through the machines after 20 rolls were dull after a Europe trip.

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805 posts

Agree with statement above, just ask them to hand inspect it. Most airport security areas have a sign saying they will do so on request anyways.

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4132 posts

Robert, I damaged all my photos on my last trip because I believed the x-rays would not harm the film. My film processor told me I probably wold have been okay with ASA 200 or less, but like you I was carrying 400.

Hand carry the film and have it hand inspected is my advice.

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711 posts

Hi Robert.. My husband is a professional photographer and has recently switched to digital for just this reason. In Paris and other airports they say they will hand inspect your film , but often they will not. 400 and other faster film can be damaged. Never put film in checked luggage.