You can FAX it using the sequence Steve mentioned. Perhaps the most secure method when submitting your personal credit card details is to go through a secure site with encrypted transmission and secure servers…sounds like that’s not an option for you here. Unfortunately, most of the small hotels and B&Bs cannot afford, nor can they support, a secure e-commerce platform like Marriott has. And, many don’t even have websites at all. If they do, they’re not usually secure (look for the “s” after http in the address field). Even robust systems can be compromised (i.e. remember TJ Maxx). So, that leaves us with FAX, e-mail, or a phone call. They all have some level of vulnerability. FAX data transmission itself is actually pretty secure as it’s encrypted, but the issue is that anyone can pick it up on the other end as already mentioned. E-mail is not encrypted and goes across as plain text…completely unsecure and can be intercepted at multiple points in the process. It can also be accessed by anyone at the hotel, printed off, copied, etc. A phone call is great, but the card number is being written down somewhere, copied to a register, typed in an Outlook calendar, whatever. You’ll just have to accept some degree of risk with this...we all do. Personally, I make inquiries via e-mail but always call with my details when I’m ready to reserve…it’s just the way I do it. I’ve never had a problem. Having a brief opportunity to do my best using the local language so early in the planning process pumps me up for the upcoming trip. Others use e-mail and have never had a problem. Again, all of these can be compromised in one way or another. At least your liability is somewhat limited when fraud occurs with your credit card, and you can work with the issuer. Someone recently suggested one-use credit card numbers through your issuer…I thought it was a good idea. Just never use your debit card!
So, if you're prepared to FAX...go for it. Happy travels!