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Favorite websites for getting currency exchange rates?

Many newspapers have the latest currency exchange rates. But I'd like to ask what are your favorite websites for getting updated currency exchange rates for the dollar against the euro and British pound?

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19283 posts

I like Oanda to get rates for past dates, like when you get back, to see what they were on a day you made an ATM withdrawal.

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1003 posts

someone here a while back posted the link to the Oanda CheatSheet, which I like because it gives you a little square-sized thing to print out and take with you. I also like it because it lets you add percentages right into it so you can figure in whatever your ATM or Credit card will add on top of the rate. Very very helpful!

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53 posts

A little off topic, but UFB Direct has free checking accounts you can set up online that has NO fees whatsoever & they'll reimburse you (up to $4.50 I believe) for any other bank's ATM fees.

Also, Capital One charges no conversion fee on any of their cards.

We will be using both when we go to Europe next month!