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Favorite European Christmas tradition

First, I wanted to wish a Merry Christmas to everyone, wherever you are. But since I have to put a question in here, what's your favorite European Christmas tradition? We love the German advent calendars with the chocolate and, of course, Glühwein.

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9149 posts

I like the "Pealing of the Bells" here in Frankfurt. This is 50 bells in 10 of the Alt Stadt churches that ring together for 30 min. "Gloriosa" who lives in the Kaiserdom is the 2nd largest bell in Germany at almost 12 tons, so she really makes some noise. The churches start out one at a time, with each one joining in til they are all ringing together. There will be about 10,000 Frankfurters downtown today partaking in this century old tradition. The Pealing of the Bells is held 4 times a year, but this is the one where everyone really shows up to listen. Most of the churches have just concluded family services, with childrens nativity plays, and then all come to hear the bells, then they all go home to have Christmas Eve dinner and open their gifts.

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1022 posts

We love the English Christmas crackers after dinner with the paper hats and silly jokes that come with them. They're easy to get in the States now, so we've made them part of our own Christmas celebration.

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375 posts

If we are in England during the Christmas season we love to attend the pantomime. It's great fun. Of course, here in Germany we love the Christmas markets. They make a hazelnut macaroon-type cookie to which I look forward all year. You can also hear some beautiful music in the churches in Germany this time of year.

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9436 posts

A tradition I miss growing up in France is the Advent Candle. It was decorated for Christmas and had lines on it counting down to Christmas day. We'd burn it just to the next line each night. I've never been able to find one here. Happy Holidays Everyone!

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9 posts

I love visiting family in England at Christmas and doing the Christmas crackers before dinner. We all sit at the table eating our dinner and wearing our paper crowns.

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813 posts

German Christmas market kartoffelpuffers with applesauce.

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5678 posts

Here's another vote for Christmas Crackers. This year my sister's mother and brother in law got introduced to them. Uncle Bob is still trying to figure out the oh, so punny British humor. ; ) Also, we have a Christmas Pudding (except when it gets left at home by mistake) every year complete with hard sauce. Pam

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1850 posts

After our one "Alps at Christmas" trip, we adopted the custom of hanging a horizontal wreath over our dining room table and decorating it with four candles, similar to the Advent wreaths we saw everywhere in Austria. We also do wassail and Christmas crackers. Christmas Eve we always watch "A Child's Christmas in Wales" and Christmas Night is always the George Scott version of "A Christmas Carol." Happy first day of Christmas to everyone and keep the trees up till Twelfth Night!

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81 posts

My 7 year old daughter would say the trdlo in Prague!

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4 posts

Going down the pub with your mates and staggering home to listen to the Queen's Speech and a perfect Christmas dinner prepared by someone who is still sober. Might even marry her one day, my girlfriend not the Queen.