Hi all,
It's been awhile since I've been on this forum, so I apologize if this has been asked recently.
Traveling from the West Coast, pretty much every major airport comes up to connect in. Now that we are in the preliminary planning stage for a spring or early summer 2018 trip to Europe (possibly Holland, Belgium, Paris and/or the British Isles), I'm wondering what airports you all love to connect in and loath connecting in. For example, I loathe connecting in LHR since apparently I pack my RS Rolling Carry-on TOO WELL and security insists on taking my entire bag apart, every single item, and having me repack the entire thing once they are satisfied I'm not hiding anything. And CDG is an antiquated nightmare. I'm not yet sure I have a favorite to connect in.
How about you? Apart from the glory of flying direct...what are your favorite and least favorite airports to connect in and WHY?