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Fall 2019, best route? Florence, Barcelona, Seville, or reverse?

Best route from Boston, US, fall 2019. Fly to Florence or Seville first? One way tickets cheaper?
If starting in Seville, we'd take the train to Barcelona, then fly to Florence and back to Boston?
Or fly Florence to Barcelona, take the train to Seville and back to Boston?

Good inter Europe airlines to cover the one-way legs?
Thank you, Victoria L

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11647 posts

If you end in Seville, you probably would have to fly to Madrid Barajad to connect or take train to Madrid, transfer to Barajas. From Boston you can fly to Zurich to Florence. That is most likely easier.

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11 posts

Hi Suki, thanks for input. I'll look into train to Madrid then fly to US from there if I choose this route.

Airlines from Madrid to US, any suggestions?

Thanks, Victoria

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28320 posts

I'd check historical weather stats to see whether there is an appreciable difference for your travel period between Florence, Barcelona and Seville. I'm guessing Seville will be quite a bit warmer, so I'd tend to try to place it last. However, from the flight standpoint you might do better to fly to Italy, then fly from Italy to Seville, then take the train to Barcelona, from which you may find flights back to your home airport easier to arrange. I was able to fly non-stop back home from Barcelona in 2016. I think it was on United or one of its partners (maybe Iberia). That would not have been possible from Seville. Obviously, from the travel-time standpoint it doesn't matter whether you train Barcelona-Seville or Seville-Barcelona.

I refer above to flying to and from "Italy" because, again, price matters quite a lot to me. Florence has a small airport. There may be more service into and out of Pisa. And from my origin, Milan and Rome usually have comparatively cheap flights, so--despite the difficulty of figuring out the arrival-day timing for a train--I'd probably end up flying into Milan or Rome and taking a train to Florence. Rome had at least one non-stop from my home airport in 2015; I'm not sure about Milan. Florence is a 100-120 minute train ride from downtown Milan. It's 78 to 92 minutes from downtown Rome. In each case you'd need to add the extra time to get from the arrival airport to the downtown train station if there's not rail service direct from the airport when you need it.

I fly coach and don't really care what airline I'm on as long as it's a major carrier. I focus on price and connections (layovers not too tight and not grotesquely long). I use Google Flights.

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11 posts

This is some very useful information to think about especially where to fly into and out of etc. Thank you so much. Victoria

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11986 posts

I would be inclined to put my southern most destination last.

"Fall" lasts from 3rd week of Sept to 3rd week of Dec., so just when in the "Fall' you plan travel could make weather ( heat) less of an issue.

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11 posts

Thanks for the input, we are changing plans so will not need more info on this topic.