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Experience renting swimsuit at Blue Lagoon? (female)

Anyone have experience wearing one of rental swimsuits (female) at the Blue Lagoon? If so, please describe the suit .... appropriate support? one-piece? two-piece? would you otherwise be "caught dead in it?"

Obviously one would not be entering the Miss Universe Contest in a rental swimsuit, but I would not want someone to totally gross out and wish they could UN-see what they just saw...LOL.....since in the wrong suit (let's suffice it to say) I could look like one of those old lady comic drawings.

And, please guys, no snarky comments....P L E A S E.

I did email the Blue Lagoon to inquire about the rental suits, but I have not heard back.

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2188 posts

Evaluating pros/cons of taking own suit. Con: Timing of my Blue Lagoon visit would take place with well over a week left before returning home and likely won't have a good chance to allow the suit to really dry (post-washing) until several days later (at which time I would likely want to rewash it just to get the rolled-up-in-a-plastic-bag and any residual sulfur smell smell out of it).

Suit rental is E5, which could be worth it to not have a somewhat-sulfur-smelling wet mess in my carry-on until it could be properly washed/dried. But, I do have a really old suit that might merit just tossing after the fact. No longer a well-fitting suit, but might be much better than a rental.

I'm more curious what the rental suits look like and the experience of those who have used them.

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4183 posts

According to this page on the Blue Lagoon website, the suits are one piece for women. The bigger issue for me would be that the size only goes up to XL, whatever that means. Being a large, older woman who needs a lot of support, too small a size would be an issue for me. Depending on what the suits look like, I suppose one could wear a bra under it.

When I was there in 2009, it was at the beginning of our trip and I carried that danged suit all the way to Sicily where I mailed it back home from the NATO base there. It's surprising how heavy swimsuits can be and how much space they take up.

I was smarter last year. I took the same old swimsuit to the UK. I started in Bath and went to the Thermae Spa there. I tossed the suit after using it. I understand the concern because I didn't want to feel like a cartoon either. However, whether you're at the Blue Lagoon or at a spa, nobody cares but you. In Bath I saw a woman who must've weighed at least 350-400 pounds in a bikini. One of our daughters is at the lower end of that weight range and thinks nothing of wearing her Speedo one piece.

Ignore the gallery on the Blue Lagoon website and do a Google images search for pictures of real people in and out of the water there. And here is something about drying the suit.

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7054 posts

The Blue Lagoon is's like every little minutiae is thought out from the visitor's perspective. I mean, where else could you be able to "rent" a swimsuit? The way they coordinated the Flybus schedule from the airport to hit the Lagoon before and after flights is also marketing genius. At the airport, I think I filled out a 500 question visitor survey on how Iceland can make its tourism infrastructure better - unbelievable. My only negative comment was that Iceland is bloody expensive, but the infrastructure is top-notch. The number of pools they have per capita is worthy of jealousy. If I could use a pool and steam room every day, I'd be a happy camper!

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2188 posts

Thank you all! :)

This afternoon I heard back from the Blue Lagoon, and the lady kindly emailed a photo of the rental swimsuit. It's actually not bad. I had feared it might be one of the single-layer knit jobs, but it actually looks like it would provide some reasonable support. I'm actually 5'll" and 137+/- lbs., so I'll typically fit somewhere between a small/medium, but the "girls" need support. So, I'll likely give the rental a try, and if not a perfect fit, there is always the ole fold-one's-arms-over-the-body method while walking from the changing room to the lagoon. Rental cost varies by the then-current US/ISK conversion, but today it would run about $6-something for the rental.


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10844 posts

I like "girls"--makes them seem like friends, very close friends.

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2574 posts

We were in Iceland last year. We didn't go to the Blue Lagoon but went to the pool in the Lake Myvatn area in Northern Iceland. We brought our own swimsuits. Although the swimming pool smelled of sulfur, our swimsuits did not smell of sulfur when they dried. However, be prepared for the fact that you must shower before entering the pool and there is absolutely no privacy in the changing/shower room.