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Exchanging US Dollars for GBP then Euros

What is the least expensive way to pay for things going from the US to England to France?

Is it best to just get cash? If so, where? I noticed we can pre buy and then pick up at Heathrow (but not sure what to do in France). They also offer the Cash passport Globe. is that good - if so why is it better than just using cash or just using my US debit card.

Thank you so much.


Posted by
1167 posts

Use an ATM. They are everywhere and will give you best exchange rate.

Posted by
12313 posts

Use a bank ATM at Heathrow. Be careful not to use an exchange kiosk that's made to look like an ATM machine - too expensive. During your time in England, anticipate your cash needs and try to run out of Pounds before you leave.

When you arrive in France, do the same. Get cash from an ATM on arrival and leave yourself as little cash as possible when it's time to go home.

Exchaning Pounds for Euros, or either/both for dollars at home just adds another layer of fees.

Posted by
19237 posts

I agree with Jeff. Use a US ATM card.

The Cash Passport Global is a product or Travelex, which I have examined on a regular basis and found to be a very bad deal.

Note, unless you load the card with £1000 or more (almost $1500), there will be a $44 fee(3% and up) to load it. In addition, your credit card company will charge you as much or more (1%-3%) for currency exchange. Then there is a £1 ($1.50) charge at the ATM every time you withdraw Pound Sterling in Britain and a 1½% fee in France.

When you leave Europe it will cost you £6 ($8.80) to cash out the card, and you will get you money in Pound Sterling, so another currency exchange fee to get it into US$.

Posted by
36 posts

Open a Bank of America account in the US as they have a partnership with Barclays in London and you will not pay any ATM fees.

Posted by
23557 posts

You don't have to open an account with BA to avoid ATM fees. First, there no ATM usage fees in Europe. Second, ALL FEEs are determine by your card issuer. Most credit union, some small banks, Schwab accounts, Capital One debit and credit card do not charge currency conversion fees or ATM usage fees. Far better than BA which restrict you to one brand of ATM to avoid fees.