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Where can I buy euros today without having to order them?

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23548 posts

An American Express office, a Exchange Bureau at the airport if the airport is big enough, and some AAA office may keep Euro on hand.

Posted by
9369 posts

You can probably buy some at a local AAA office, if they offer Tip Paks, small quantities of euros at a preset price. Unless a local bank does international business, they most likely do not have euros on hand and they must be ordered. You might also check with a currency exchange locally, but they would probably have to order them, too, unless they have foreign visitors on a regular basis.

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19237 posts

I believe you will find a main branch of Wells Fargo in Seattle with an international teller that sells Euro.

Posted by
864 posts

Wells Fargo where I live in San Diego keeps both Euro's and British Pounds on hand as we have a lot of people here who travel. If the local branch doesn't have them immediately on hand they can get you some within a day or two. That said you really don't need them in advance except for a bit of piece of mind when landing in a foreign country. As long as you've notified your bank and credit card company in advance of your travel plans you can get Euros from any ATM at the airport. (If one machine is out of money just try another). Don't do small withdrawals either. Go for your max each time and keep most of it in your money belt.

Posted by
156 posts

Hi, Vanessa. If you find a place that has Euros on hand locally, please let me know. AAA (on Northup/20th in Bellevue) no longer carries them, but will order for you. B of A will also order and their fee is less ($7.50 vs $10.00). Thomas Cook closed, too.

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5790 posts

I've gotten foreign currency from Citibank. Don't know if they require you to be a customer, but it has always been available the next day. Look for their "World Wallet Service".

Posted by
38 posts

You can get them at Wells Fargo. Check their website for branches that have foreign currency. I work at Wells Fargo, so I got a discount when I got euros (I also got Czech and Swedish money from them), so if you know someone who works at Wells Fargo, ask them to help you out!
They will also buy back foreign money (just no coin).