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Vaccinations in Europe Ramping Up - 70% by Sept.?

This Wall Street Journal article starts off with understandably concerning reports of a new world record of daily Covid-19 cases in India, the highly vaccinated countries Chile and Serbia that may have reopened too soon, and vast parts of the world not currently getting vaccinated, which could result in complications from mutations and variants that could affect everyone, even those vaccinated against current strains of the virus. This pandemic isn’t over.

But, it also says that Europe is vaccinating at a rate sufficient to have 70% of residents inoculated by September 2021. Some progress is being made.

According to UBS, the European Union—which has lagged badly behind the U.S.—is now vaccinating at roughly the pace the U.S. did in mid-February and will likely inoculate 70% of adults by September

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2768 posts

I hope this is the case, and I wouldn’t be surprised. One thing that seems clear is that vaccination campaigns are slow...until they aren’t. It starts slow with glitches, everybody who cares about coronavirus worries, pundits predict very long waits, things speed up faster than seems logical in the beginning, and soon enough vaccines are widely available to all. We are there in much of the US, some places will be a few more weeks but very soon everyone who wants a shot will be able to get one easily. I’m assuming Europe will be on a similar trajectory, just a few months behind.

At one point I was told that as a healthy under-50 in the US Id be getting vaccinated in late summer or fall at the earliest. Nope. Done a month ago (first shot, second done more recently), but I had to scramble to find an appointment. Today there’s a walk in clinic 5 minutes away and everyone I know, other than children, has had at least the first shot.

Could some unforeseen event change this? Sure. But as of right now it’s looking good.

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8084 posts

And yet, there are reports of vaccination locations in the USA where demand is starting to dwindle. Achieving 70-80% vaccination status, and “herd immunity” could be tough if more than 30% of the population refuses to get their shot(s). The Johnson&Johnson vaccine issues haven’t helped the situation, but further concerns will hopefully end soon.

If the USA winds up with a lot of unused doses, and American demand has ceased, places like Namibia might potentially wind up getting the rest of the USA supply. We can send it where it’s wanted. But we need to be protected too, or getting our shots won’t have been quite as effective as if enough people had gotten them, too.

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1143 posts

The WSJ article presents some hope. I know that I won't travel until the US and countries I wish to travel to have reached herd immunity. There is that big, looming question of whether we are going to need to get the vaccine again after a year. I am exactly two months out since my last dose of Pfizer. I've had the semi-quantitative antibodies test and am at >250 which is the highest possible. It looks as though that might fall four months from now (when I will test again) and 10 months from now, I might have a "negative" result according to Pfizer. While some will just be getting their first dose, millions of the rest of us might need to get a third just like the annual flu shots. If the countries I wish to travel to reach herd immunity in ?October?, then I might have a window of opportunity to travel safely for @ four months. There are many variables at play.

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16757 posts

James, the "experts" don't expect herd immunity in the U.S. We need about 80% of the population vaccinated but 25% or them say they won't get the shot.

Herd immunity would have made life much easier for everyone but it looks unlikely. As for other countries, we have to wait and see.

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9161 posts

As I heard the director of CDC say yesterday, herd immunity is a moving target. Everyones been throwing around these numbers of 70-80-90 vaccination rates, but the main factor impacting herd immunity is the transmissibility of the virus. Which can change due to many things, like opening up, and more ominously, new variants with higher transmissibility. The longer this drags on and with a large unvaccinated population, the more people who get infected, and the more opportunity for mutation of new, more transmissible variants. So we can congratulate ourselves for high vaccination rates in the US, UK, Israel, etc., but unless the whole world gets up to speed, the potential for an ongoing cycle remains.

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21414 posts

Fauci at various times has used 65%, 75%, 90%. Well, the world will never hit any of those markers except through infection. Infection of all the variants in on going cycles as new ones emerge. Lockdown is the only solution. Heck, we even have a Texas born and breed killer variant now. We will need booster shots that address new variants every 3 months