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European Movies (Part 2)

Okay... so about a year ago I asked for movie suggestions that were either foreign films or American films that were about Europe, and received tons of wonderful suggestions. Rather than revive that old post (as it is really long) thought I would ask for some new suggestions. I have worked my way through many of the wonderful films from the last list... but there are new movies out and new posters here... so let's see if we can find some new entertainment.

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2030 posts

I'm living in France this year, so I have been seeing American films in English-- and haven't had access to new foreign films with subtitles. But the last ones I saw that I enjoyed that I thought had either great European scenery or depictions of life here: Love Crime (with Kristin Scott Thomas and Ludivine Sagnier, sleek corporate thriller) 2 Days in Paris (July Delphy -quirky, crazy Parisians) and Unknown (Liam Neesom -- interesting scenes of snowy Berlin)

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9391 posts

I know you asked for movies but sadly I work in the biz and think most of the stuff being made now is crap. However, The Marigold Hotel is a great movie and travelogue for India. From 2008 In Bruges with Colin Farrell, and last year, Angelina Joile's directorial debut, In the Land of Blood and Honey using Budapest for Bosnia. BBC America and PBS are the source of much of my television entertainment. Enjoyed both Sherlock Seasons 1 & 2 for present day London and Wallander with Kenneth Branagh for a look at Sweden.

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11294 posts

Here are some that, in addition to having good views of Europe, are good films, period: Bay of Angels (1963) for Nice and the French Riviera (a little known gem, with Jeanne Moreau in one of her few appearances as a clotheshorse) The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964) and The Young Girls of Rochefort (1967) for their title cities (although, apparently, extensive painting of the exteriors was done, so the towns didn't really look like they do in their movies) Day for Night (1973) for Nice (and the major film studio there, Studio Victorine) Charade (1963) for Paris Diva (1981) for Paris Amelie (2001) for Paris Tell No One (2006) for Paris The Valet (2006) for Paris Two For the Road (1967) for various parts of France One Two Three (1961) for Berlin (filmed just before the Wall went up; a voice over intro was added after filming to account for this) Coming Out (1989) for East Berlin (the only gay-themed film made in East Germany, it premiered the same night the Wall fell!) Run Lola Run (1998) for Berlin Good Bye Lenin! (2002) for Berlin continued..

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11294 posts

continued.. In July (2000) for Hamburg and Istanbul Head On (2004) for Hamburg and Istanbul The Red Shoes (1948) for London and the French Riviera Passport to Pimlico (1949) for London (very interesting reminder that after the war, London was suffering the effects of bombing, rationing, etc) Genevieve (1953) for London, Brighton, and the backroads around Pinewood Studios (although set largely on the road between London and Brighton, it wasn't filmed there). Deserves to be much better known. Barcelona (1995) for Barcelona All About My Mother (1999) for Barcelona

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4181 posts

Terry , What a great thread ! I've a lot at hand , but just a few to begin , some oldies but goodies !!!! " Kind Hearts and Coronets " UK circa 1950 A young man deprived of his birthright to a title proceeds to murder eight members of an aristocratic family to suceed to a dukedom . Stars Dennis Price and Alec Guiness as all eight members of the doomed D'Ascoyne family . Absolutely hysterical but in the " Brut " very dry british humor that is so perfect . Another British film ; from 1960 , " The Entertainer " stars Sir Laurence Olivier in a role that one would imagine totally antithetical to his inate Shakespearean character . Here he plays Archie Rice , a broken down , third rate english music hall performer struggling for survival in the years during the second war. This is Virtuosity exemplified . Lastly on this go , a more recent film , the animated never produced screenplay by Jacques Tati ,finally realized by the French filmaker , Sylvain Chomet in 2010 , " The Illusionist " . An animated version of Tati's signature character Monsiuer Hulot and his late in life experience. This is one of the most touching stories you could ever imagine . Please see these !!!!

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3696 posts

@Claudia... Well, I guess we could expand it to miniseries, etc. I have been watching Foyles War on Netflix and love it.
Thanks for the other... again, many new ones I have never heard of.

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2193 posts

A few that quickly come to mind that I've probably recommended before: The White Ribbon The Live of Others A Woman in Berlin Of Gods and Men Downfall
The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo - the one directed by Niels Arden Oplev But, perhaps, the best war film I've ever seen is actually a Korean film titled My Way - the most unbelievably epic and realistic battle scenes ever produced IMHO: Japanese and Soviets in Manchuria, Soviets and Germans in Stalingrad, and the D-Day invasion at Normandy. It's not all about's a serious drama as well. So even though it's Korean, there's a European tie-in. And if you like that one, you'll also love Tae Guk Gi – nothing about Europe, but another awesome war flick about two brothers and their relationship during the Korean War – even more unbelievable special effects and epic, stunning battle scenes.

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1454 posts

Terry Kathryn I don't know what was on your original post (way back when) but I love. Cinema Paradiso (Italy) Il Postino (Italy)
Amelie (France) Linda

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158 posts

Woody Allen has put out a few new movies set in Europe. I happen to love them but they can be a little cheesy. Vicky Cristina Barcelona (my favorite), Midnight in Paris and From Rome With Love. Oh and if you like musicals and Italy you have to watch Nine.

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4181 posts

Sorry ,but quick correction . " The Entertainer " ( above ) is not set during WWII but during the Suez canal crisis of the 1950's . My apologies .

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15236 posts

@ Michael...thanks for tip on "My Way" ...a very recent release. Some of my recommendations: La Grande Illusion (1937)...Fr Effi Briest...Ger. La Nuit de Varennes...Fr Colonel Chabert...Fr. Monsieur N...Fr. Downfall...Ger. Der Hauptmann von Köpenick (Heinz Rühmann)...Ger. Dresden (2005)...Ger

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2876 posts

I'll add these: Jean de Florette/Manon of the Spring (France) Pan's Labyrinth (Spain) Man on the Train (France) The Best of Youth (Italy) Fateless (Hungary) Captain Abu Raed (Jordan - stretching the boundaries a bit)
A Very Long Engagement (France) All are superb and all are available on Netflix.

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110 posts

Its a documentary but very interesting about anthropologist talking about cave paintings in France. I forget the cave's name. I believe the cave was found somewhat recently but I cant remember for sure. Movie is The Cave of Forgotten Dreams

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2297 posts

This time I focus on the most recent movies that impressed me over the past 12 months: * Almanya (Germany) set in Germany and Turkey, funny but also with some bitter-sweet melancholy moments * The Intouchables (France) THE biggest French movie of the year, one of the biggest French movies EVER (I think only Amelie sold more tickets). very funny, very real, shows Paris, Normandy and the Alps * The Women in the Fifth (co-production France/Poland/UK) with Ethan Hawke, Polish director, set in Paris * The Way (USA) I was very much looking forward to this one as I like Martin Sheen. Found the movie a bit disappointing as the script was a bit thin but the photography is absolutely stunning. Great scenery of the Way of St James/Camino de Santiago. * Vincent wants to sea (Germany) A road movie starting in Germany, going through the Alps to the Italian Adriatic coast. Great characters (a guy with Tourettes + a guy with OCD + a suicidal women), funny. * Maria, he doesn't like it (Germany) German-Italian wedding set in Germany and Italy (Apulia). Think "My big fat Greek Wedding" ;-) Very funny and very true!!! * The Guard (Ireland) dark comedy/mystery, with Brendan Gleeson and Don Cheadle, love the scenes where Cheadle has to deal with Gaelic speaking natives !!!! * A Touch of Spice (Greece/Turkey)
from 2003 but I just stumbled across it a couple of months ago. About a Greek boy growing up in Istanbul. Beautiful!!!!!

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40 posts

Slightly older Woody Allen but one of my favorite of his which is still pretty recent is Match Point set in London. My favorites though are Charade (Paris) To Catch a Thief (South of France) Before Sunset (Vienna) and Before Sunrise (Paris)

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11891 posts

"Pani e Tulipani" or Bread and Tulips set in Italy. Beautiful and funny.

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2023 posts

Vicky/Christina Barcelona, My House in Umbria, Les Choristas, Don't look Now, The Comfort of Strangers, A Month By the Lake, In Brugges, The Darjeerling Limited, Roman holiday, The Bicycle Thief, Cinema Paradisio, Il Positino, Les Destinees,Au Revoir Les Enfants,Life Is Beautiful,The Barbarian Invasions-all available on Netflix. Would like to see Mayerling but it apparently was not transferred to disc.

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2297 posts

"The Barbarian Invasions" is a Canadian movie set in Montreal and filmed in Montreal, written and directed by Denys Arcand who himself was born in Quebec and lives in Montreal. Granted, Montreal does indeed have a somewhat European feel but I still wouldn't call this a "European movie".

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2297 posts

Remembered another movie I liked. Biutiful (Spain) is about a single father who's dying of cancer. Very very well acted but also very depressing. Javier Bardem received a well deserved Oscar nomination for this performance. Shows a side of Barcelona that is anything but touristy.

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1829 posts

If you are going for TV series (eg Foyles War) how about Doc Martin filmed in the very scenic village of Port Isaac, Cornwall?

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9391 posts

Don't how I could have forgotten Blutiful? Concur sad but a stellar POV of non touristy Spain. Great list Beatrix. Want to see them all but still have to finish Fabio Montale with Alain Delon. Set in Marseilles. Want to stay in the house they show as Montale's!!!

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36 posts

As already mentioned by Laurel in Rome, Bread & Tulips set in Venice, along with Summertime (1950's Katharine Hepburn), not to mention The Way, out this past year with Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez. Love this and it always makes me want to walk the Camino in Northern Spain.

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4181 posts

Good Evening everyone . I haven't seen this posted , I may have missed it . From 1987 , a danish film that pays homage to French culture and most importantly , the delight of living , " Babette's Feast " By a twist of fate a renowned French chef is forced to leave Paris and finds refuge in a remote Danish village . Forced by neccesity to live in an austere fashion , another twist of fate changes life for her and the local residents. Briefly for her , and in a more protracted way for the residents of the village . A joyful film !!!

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4181 posts

Yes , " Doc Marin " a winner !!! Really brings back Cornwall !!

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227 posts

Midsomer Murders and Inspector Morse! John Nettles final appearance was just released to Netflix (Fit for Murder) his cousin takes over.
Also A Year in Provence with Inspector Morse's John Thaw

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513 posts

For a 1940's Vienna feweling you just can't beat the classic - Orson Wells' The Third Man.

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4181 posts

I would like to add another suggestion to this thread . While there are many others of great worth , I don't want to let this one slip by . This is a 1950 film entitled " Trio , three stories by W. Somerset Maugham " I first saw this film at the age of 12 and it made a huge impact . These are three dramatizations of stories by the British writer of the more than 150 short stories he wrote during his lifetime. " The Verger " ; " Mr. Know All " ; and " Sanatorium " . I won't dwell here on what these stories are about , part of the joy of them is letting them catch you unaware . However , for those who are interested in these fine british stories , I must tell you how to obtain them . To the best of my knowledge , it is unlikely that you can find them stateside ; if you can ,so much the better . They are available in a three disc set ( contains 2 other similar movies ;" Quartet " which preceded trio and " Encore " which followed it ) from amazon UK . Wil cost about $25 including shipping ,about $9 per film and worth every penny ! these are region2 PAL discs but will play on your computer though not on a US tv and DVD player . This is an example of what really fine film can be about . I hope you will seek this out!!

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4181 posts

Sorry ,quick addendum ! this film set is available from amazon US ! no need to order from UK !