From time to time, major European gourmet cuisines go through cycles of reinventing and reinterpreting vernacular dishes, while updating and framing new tastes. That is how, for instance, glamorous and kind of over-the-top French gourmet cuisine got a breath of fresh air in the early 2000s, getting rid of some of its heavy meals that would feature in any restaurant claiming high-level chef credence.
In more recent years, it was the Portuguese cuisine that went through that cycle, which was also well overdue (as in: prime Portuguese restaurants hadn't really changed menu/presentations/food statements in a long time). Now, Portuguese cuisine has been renovated as a culinary entity, more experimental, it talks better with the occasional modern outside influence... It doesn't feel stuck in time anymore, at least for the time being.
What are good candidates for this process nowadays? Which cuisines are stale at their top level, in your opinion?
I'm leaving aside fusion and post-modern gastronomical offers because their links to old receipts is weak or intentionally non-existent (think chefs using liquid nitrogen).