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European cell phones

I heard that I can buy a cell phone to use while in Italy. Should I buy that once I get there or here in the US before I leave. How does it work?

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156 posts

Hi, Larry. There seems to be quite a bit of discussion about this lately (including my own). Unfortunately, it is not an easy answer. I suggest that you first read "Cell Phone Tips" on the Graffiti Wall then read through the other posts here on the Helpline under General Europe (search for phone) and perhaps even under "the Boot" since you are Italy specific. If you have questions after doing that, ask again. Cheers!

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32322 posts

Larry, As the previous reply mentioned, there's been LOTS of discussion on this topic lately, so you might find it helpful to read through some of the Threads in the "General Europe" section of the HelpLine. It would help to know if you currently have a Cell phone, and if so which network you're with? Also, what are you planning to use the phone for? Here's a summary of your options (I'll keep this somewhat brief so that I don't repeat info that's already here): > Use roaming from your home network, if you have a compatible phone. > Buy a PAYG Phone in Italy. That will provide cheapest rates when used in the country of purchase, but will be slightly more expensive when used in other countries. You may need help setting this up, as Menus will be in Italian. > Buy a phone from one of the "travel phone" firms such as Roam Simple, Cellular Abroad, Call In Europe, Telestial or Mobal. These are usually post-paid with calls charged to a credit card, and many have U.K. numbers. These provide consistent rates throughout western Europe, regardless of country. With this option you'd have a working phone as soon as you step off the plane. > Buy a compatible Phone off E-Bay and use it with a SIM card purchased in Italy OR with a SIM card purchased from one of the travel phone firms. Good luck with your decision and happy travels!

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1152 posts

Larry, here is one of the links you might find in a search. This is a recent post. In it I listed more links that are specific to Italy. Cell Phones

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12313 posts

I'm going with buying one once I'm there. I think I could save a little buying one ahead of time but there are too many reviews about phones either not being unlocked, didn't work, or stopped working shortly after purchase. If that's the case, any money spent on them is wasted (especially if your return deadline expries before you get home). I'll go with purchasing a basic phone there along with a pay as you go SIM card.