Has anyone used the Telestial Packlite phone package at $49? This includes some free minutes and a Siemens phone. We just need a basic phone to make occasional calls ahead of arrival at our hotels etc. and for emergencies. Is anyone familiar with this company and this package. Thanks.
Not familiar, but my wife and I are going to England later this year and wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to just get a phone card for when you have to make these calls?
EDIT: I've since found out our T-Mobile cell phones will work in England (and other countries) by just calling T-Mobile and asking them to activate international roaming. 99 cents a minute.
Yes, I've had this phone for the past several years. It's very basic but certainly useable. We use it mainly for short calls--confirming hotel, making dinner reservations, and short calls home. You can add additional minutes online as you need them.
The advantages of this company is that you have a permanent phone number (as long as you use the phone every so often--I think the website will tell you the time period) and you don't need a new SIM card for every locale. The downside is that calls are much pricier per minute than if you had a local SIM card in an individual country.
We're quite happy with it, since we travel a lot to lots of different places, and we don't use cellphones on a regular basis. It sounds like it would fit your needs, based on your description.
Do you plan to separate (one in museum & one shopping e.g.)? We each (4 adults, 1 teen) had phones and got local SIMs after unlocking phones before we left. Really helped when trying to communicate with each other or find each other in a plaza with a thousand or so people.
What country(ies) are you visiting? More than one? How long will you be there? Longer trip means more usage.
We purchased a telestial phone for international studies trips for the college where I work. We have been happy with it. We have used pthe the multicountry SIM and the SIM for Italy, both have been very handy. We are getting ready to order a second one too.
Thanks to everyone for the replies. John, we will likely be together most of the time and just need a phone for calling ahead to confirm reservations and for emergencies. Thanks.