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Eurobuzz or Cello Mobile- trying to decide-UK,Swiss,Austr., Deutshe

any thoughts? How annoying is the Cello "call back" dialing? Am I missing someone better? as RS readers, do we get a discount with either of them?

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32322 posts

Charles, I find the concept of "Call Back" systems annoying, so it's not something I'd ever use. When I dial a call, I'd prefer it go through normally. If there's a problem with the call (ie: number no longer in service), I'd like to know about it straight away rather than when I get called back. I'd suggest having a look at several of the travel phone firms, in order to get a good cross section of the rates and plans they offer. You could check Roam Simple, Cellular Abroad, Call In Europe, Telestial, Mobal or TruPhone (there are others, but these are the ones that I can remember at the moment). Some operate with post-paid billing, with calls charged to a credit card, and many use numbers based in the U.K. I don't believe there's a "Rick Steves Discount" with any of the travel phone firms (at least not that I've ever found). Happy travels!

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9369 posts

I would never use a callback system just to save a few pennies when there are plenty of direct dial options. I use Eurobuzz as my permanent emergency number, along with a local SIM in my dual-SIM phone.

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2092 posts

My husband and I each have a Eurobuzz phone which have worked well for us for several trips now. We like that we don't have an annual contract, that we pay per call and that rates are the same for whichever country we're in. It's just disappointing that it's US$0.79/minute incoming and outgoing calls and texts. I just advise having the phones turned on so you'll hear the ring! (haha! grrrrr!)

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4412 posts

Oh, they have to be turned on? ;-) But it's free to receive EuroBuzz texts...which is good when you're receiving texts everytime you move to another country/phone cell area! I looked at Cello last fall; I don't remember why I didn't go with them, but I thought that EuroBuzz was best for me out of all of the possibilities. (thanks for the EuroBuzz suggestion last year, Darcy!)

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3 posts

When in Switzerland I buy a Coop Mobile SIM for 15 CHF at the local Coop stores (they are everywhere). Comes with 15 CHF of talk/data time on it. Calls to other Coop mobile phones are free, as are all incoming calls.. Coop is a chain of grocery/department/kiosk type outlets with stores of all sizes. Large stores in places like Zurich and Bern, and smaller 7/11 size stores in small towns like Murren.
You'll need an unlocked GSM world phone to make it work. You can also buy a phone at Coop for about 50 CHF that includes 15 CHF of talk time. Check for specials like free web surfing for three months! Find info in German (use Google to translate) at

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26 posts

I would recommend Eurobuzz because dialing is so much easier. With Cello mobile you have to out # and * symbols at the start and end of the number and then wait for it to call you back. The phone I had from Eurobuzz is a bit basic, but it's simple to use and does it's job well.

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8 posts

CelloMobile actually allows you to choose whether or not you want to use the callback feature. I chose to do it for every call from Europe to the US, and I saved 19 cents per minute with each call. That may sound like only a few pennies, but after calling once a day for 10 days and having each call last about 12-15 minutes, you are talking about significant savings. Callback was very easy and personally, not annoying, but just another way to experience being in Europe. With CelloMobile, you can use callback in Europe for .30 per minute calls to US, or skip callback and make .49 per minute calls back to US.