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Has anyone heard anything about EuroBuzz? It's a cell phone company that offers a pay-as-you-go phone service that charges $ .79 per minute in Europe. No set up fees, no fees to keep your service. A one time fee of $49 for the phone and charger. Sounds simple and inexpensive. Any buzz on it?

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2092 posts

Michelle, I purchased 2 phones (1 for my husband who likes to wander...& get lost!) & 1 for the rest of us for our May, 2010 trip. I also used it for my solo trip 2 weeks ago. I have been absolutely thrilled with them. The reception was good & the price was good, cell to cell and cell to US--land line or cell. I appreciate that I don't have a monthly charge while I'm in the US & not using the phones and the 79 cents a minute is worth it for us. Of course, we mostly have them for emergencies but have also used them for just checking in at home.

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9369 posts

I agree with Darcy that the convenience of a post-paid plan is worth some extra expense. You won't run out of minutes at an inopportune time, nor will you have wasted minutes left over after your trip. As long as you don't plan to make many/long calls, it won't be that expensive.

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6 posts

Thanks, I needed the feedback and for my purposes it sounds like a good deal. I need it for emergencies or reservations.

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989 posts

I used an almost identical plan with Mobal last summer. It's so EASY and convenient and it's ready to go when you arrive - no hunting for a shop to get SIM cards. Yes you pay a little more, but to me, EASY is worth a few extra bucks.