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EU imposing Visas on US travelers

What are the ramifications for traveling to European countries next summer if the EU begins imposing Visas on travelers? Are Visas required for each country individually? I am in the process of getting a Passport for my daughter and am wondering if that will be enough by the time we travel.

Posted by
2768 posts

Have there been reports of this being planned? I don't think we can know without more details in hand and I haven't heard anything. Right now once you enter the EU you can freely travel between countries without passport or border checks. So IF there is a visa system I imagine it would be EU wide. Non-EU countries would set their own visa requirements. Do you mean this summer (2017)? If so, I highly doubt anything will happen in that time. If you mean 2018, who knows. First I've heard of it, though. Deal with the hypothetical process if it occurs

Posted by
4637 posts

I didn't hear or read anything about EU imposing visa on US travelers. Up to 90 days no visa in Schengen countries. UK 180 days without visa.

Posted by
1637 posts

With American tourists making up such a large part of many EU countries economy this would be a very stupid thing to do. Politically it may be in favor but I doubt it would ever fly.

Posted by
2703 posts

be interesting to know where you get your information from Bob, Americans don't even come close as the top number of visitors to European countries.
Certainly never heard anything about changes in Visa rules.

Posted by
8889 posts

ssauter, This has been rumbling around for years. The EU is not happy that US citizens can enter any Schengen Area country for 90 days without a visa, but the US requires a visa for citizens of some Schengen Area countries (Poland, Cyprus amongst others).

If this happens (big if, lots of diplomatic posturing) it will take many months, no problem for summer 2017. Unless the USA decides to impose visas for more EU countries, then it could get nasty.
"Are Visas required for each country individually?" - If (big if) visas are imposed, it would have to be one visa for all Schengen Area countries (which is the current situation for citizens of India, China etc.). The Schengen Area is a passport Union. There are no passport checks between Schengen countries, once you get into the Schengen Area there is nothing to physically stop you going to any Schengen country. Which is the root of the problem in the first place. US citizens can access all Schengen countries, but the US does not allow access from all Schengen countries.

Posted by
8889 posts

Mira, you wrote:

Right now once you enter the EU you can freely travel between countries without passport or border checks. So IF there is a visa system I imagine it would be EU wide. Non-EU countries would set their own visa requirements.

That statement is not correct. If you substitute "Schengen Area" for EU it is correct.
Schengen Area = EU PLUS Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland and the Micro-states, MINUS UK, Ireland, Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus.

If you travel between two Schengen Area countries, one of which is not in the EU, there are no passport checks, but there are customs checks. Example: France to Switzerland.
If you travel between two EU countries, one of which is not in the Schengen Area, there are passport checks, but no customs restrictions. Example: France to the UK.

Posted by
32417 posts

That story has also been on BBC.....

If the E.U. does decide to require Visas, that process will likely take some time for the large and slow moving bureaucracy to implement, so travellers for this year and probably next year won't have to worry about it. I'm sure that the issue of a decrease in tourism revenues will also be a major part of the decision.

Posted by
10836 posts

Yes, the EU Parliament voted it today. The E IU Commission now has 2 months to implement the measure. Perhaps the US and EU can work it out before then.

Posted by
7175 posts

To paraphrase...
"We are going to do some great things. You won't believe it, you are going to be so happy".

Posted by
8353 posts

Yes and No, I think most of the effort is a bit of a negotiating point, with maybe the fallout in the worst case being a delay at entry for US citizens, and maybe a fee (like Turkey) for an issued on the spot visa.

Posted by
1825 posts

I don't know why they'd do this....I am perfectly happy with my American Express.

Posted by
34584 posts

Diplomacy and international relations is and always has been a tit for tat business.

Actions have consequences.

It isn't so much the EU imposing restrictions on US visitors, it is the US imposing restrictions on US visitors.

By making it so difficult for some visitors to the US, the other countries retaliate so now you have some of the same on the other side of the plate.

At least there is more of a sense of law than with an executive order.

Posted by
16884 posts

The Reuter's article states:

"The European Commission stressed it was pursuing a diplomatic resolution to the row, leaving it unlikely that it would act on the vote by lawmakers setting a May deadline to impose visas - a move that could hurt Europe's tourism sector."

"...the economic cost of imposing visa restrictions on the millions of American tourists and business travelers who visit Europe each year is a major disincentive."

"The Parliament, by a show of hands, urged the Commission to adopt restrictive measures against U.S. citizens "within two months". Lawmakers have little immediate power to ensure that the executive complies with such demands."

So I wouldn't worry about it too much right now.

Posted by
5499 posts

This has been simmering on for ten years at least.

Posted by
8592 posts

If the EU does impose visas on US citizens, I hope they go the e-visa route like Australia. If they do that, no big deal.

Posted by
2810 posts

The Turkish Visa is easy as you can get it at the airport if your forget or don't want to send off your passport. But then there is the Russian model... which was quite a hassle!

I am surprised this hasn't come to pass. The US already makes everyone jump through the ESTA hassle to come visit us.. As our government puts up more roadblocks to create an illusion of "doing something" then we should expect that we will be made to jump through the same hoops.

Posted by
2 posts

Following this thread as I have a trip planned for London and Paris in July 2017 and am concerned about this development as well. I'm not sure if London will as much of an issue(?) but sounds like Paris could be. Does anyone know how long the visa process takes? Should I get it started, just in case? Where do I go for information about the process?

Posted by
487 posts

edisco76, if you read the above comments there is no final decision yet. So there is no process, no one knows how long it will take and you should not yet start the visa process. Keep up with the news but at this point don't worry about it.

Posted by
16369 posts

A EU Parliament resolution is not binding for the EU Commission.

This is not necessarily going to happen.

Posted by
1068 posts

Lawmakers have little immediate power to ensure that the executive complies with such demands."

This is incorrect! The EU parliament has the ultimate sanction, it can remove the Commission in it's entirety. So anyone who thinks the Commission is not going to pay attention to what the parliament tells it is sadly mistaken.

Posted by
1 posts

I like the Economist, but their articles often say things that are super vague to the average reader. I am a subscriber, so I would know.

It has to be approved by each member state What does this mean? Like a referendum of the people, the parliament of each country, just the European Council and the nation's representative within it? Some of these are harder to do than others.

I have a trip planned to France in May 2017. I just can't believe that the EU would throw probably about 5 million people's travel plans into total disarray with no warning (that's the approximated travelers for May/June/July combined from 2016)

My guess is, if there is a visa, it will be imposed as either a "visa on arrival" or a "print at home" visa. I can't imagine a wide-scale implementation of a full visa program by May. Can you imagine the phone lines of all the embassies........

Posted by
19348 posts

Can you imagine the phone lines of all the embassies........

I called the German consulate in Denver yesterday and left a voicemail with my phone number. I haven't received a call back. Then i sent an email and I haven't received a return email. I imagine they are already swamped.

Posted by
16884 posts

I have a trip planned to France in May 2017.

Hedgehog, I don't think there's a thing you need to worry about. Nothing will happen - if it happens at all - that soon.

Posted by
85 posts

I'm scheduled to go over in June , and not worrying. Just sent in the old passport for a renwal. I'm hoping that comes back in time , let alone thinking about a visa :-)

Posted by
9086 posts

I would really appreciate it if posters would write their headlines with more accuracy. This should have been a question and not a statement. Many readers were probably sent into a panic needlessly.

Posted by
21418 posts

I read it as a question. What are the ramifications " IF the EU begins imposing Visas on travelers. "

IF they do, I purchase a visa. Cant imagine it costing more than its worth.

Posted by
11525 posts

Am I the only non American who thinks this might be a good time to visit Paris this summer !!! Less crowds won't bother me one little bit !

Posted by
82 posts

Then again, it always amazes me that I can walk off the plane and be on the ICE zipping through Germany in less than 30 minutes whereas coming back to the US, it takes hours to get through the red tape and customs even as an American citizen. Does anyone really answer "YES" I've been on a farm or touched an animal.

Posted by
6645 posts

Greg9542: Yes, if we've been on a farm, we say so. The officials ask a couple of questions, and wave us through.

Posted by
2916 posts

Does anyone really answer "YES" I've been on a farm or touched an animal.

No. Outside of big cities, most of France is farms. It's impossible to avoid going on what many might call a farm. Like the houses in the small villages that keep some chickens running around.

Posted by
21418 posts

MrsEB, pretty much my experience as well. Oh, and I don't lie to Customs and Immigration officials either. I guess that makes me out of touch with the RS norm?

Posted by
110 posts

We always tell them when we've been on farms. The agricultural folks disinfect our hiking boots and thank us for being honest.